Chapter XXXVI

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Yeojin II

"That is all?" asked Yeojin to her councillors,closely followed by a frustrated sigh towards her grandfather.

In front of her was the stack of parchments,documents that she already dealt with. With the granary counts,incomes,outputs of mines,words of wars up north,of Jinsol's captive and planned rescue attempt took most of her mind.

Even with the help of a wise and experienced statesman like the Bullfrog,it is still taxing works for Yeojin. And here she thought Jaeseop class was boring. Ruling...she found,is even more tedious. She's basically been cooped up in Toadrock castle for a moon now,since gaining the Governorship title.

At first she left Gyeongbukgung Palace,she thought she was finally free,like a bird out from her gilded cage...just to end up in another cage. Even more worse,here,she almost got no one to play with. Back there,at least she got her younger half-siblings to make herself entertained,play tag,hide and seek,castles and lords and all that.

She looked around and saw each of her councillors still mulling the answer to her question. Surrounded by her maternal kin,this congregation is more closely resembled a family affair rather than ruling a province,she found.

"Governor." her cousin,Minjeong the marshal broke the silence "the uh- our army's casualties up north" he handed a paper from his iron-clad hand,listed in them were numbers in the thousands,names of fallen captains and commanders too,none she recognized.

"all that loss and still nothing to show for it." said her other cousin Yoonsang,snide in his tone "at this rate,we might mining our mines ourselves then."

"ey,watch your tongue,Sang" said her other cousin,similarly looking to Yoonsang. "i understand you want to follow father warring up north.but-"

"On the contrary,Yoonsam. This...ought to worries me,i'm the appointed steward of this province. Lack of peasant,lack of miners,lack of profits. Less gold coming in our coffers" he scratch his temple before continuing "will do us much good if the King bought home these captured nomad to work in our mines"

"We could write these petition to the King. Consider it a spoil for victory" chimed in Yeojin's other cousin,Woojin,garbed in Sectarian red robe.

"See? The priest agrees with me"

"that would not sit well with other Northern Houses at the border" object Minjeong

"Piss on them...glorified watch dogs. These nomad raiding our land because they had nothing better to do. We give them something to do. Mining. There's the solution." He said,glaring back at Minjeong

"they will not look kindly towards the nomad if they coming to our land. and beside,the war hasn't over yet. our army still need one decisive battle to end it." continued Minjeong.

"the Nuzhen is on their backfoot,or in this case,back hoof. We hold their reins now. We should consider asking for our spoil from now,lest other provinces took it first." Yoonsam added. "well,they already did,i've heard the King wanted to gave Ryanggang province to Son Hyejoo"

"the Son got another province?! They got a piece of our province already,those greedy bastards. And now they got Ryanggang too?!" hearing that,color rising in Yoonsang's ear,Yeojin saw.

"'s deservedly so,isn't it? General Son and her army won battles after battles." Woojin said timidly.

"bollocks. Our fathers did the same too. Not hearing them getting any rewards. Ain't it so,Sam?" Yoonsang thus switch his gaze to his twin brother.

Yoonsam the spymaster shake his head. "nope. Nothing yet."

"Governor," said Yoonsang,now facing Yeojin directly. "we should arrange a plea,to ask the King. For a...portion of captured Nuzheni to work in our mines. We,require only your permission...and your signature,of course"

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