Chapter XXXIII

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Hyejoo IV

The fort held on. The fort has held on for one entire full moon.

Hyejoo saw the fort with the utmost of annoyance. And grief.

This is the last of them,the last city held on desperately by the Nuzhen,if this one fall,the province of Heilongjiang will be rid of them,at last. All Hyejoo's army needed was a breach in the wall. The rightful owner of the province,the ousted Magister anxiously observing beside her. Restless,he urge General Son to cease the siege and looked for less damaging way to reclaim his land and fortress,the translator said, since she couldn't speak Vastlander's tongue,these words but A mere wind in Hyejoo's ear,an annoying one.

Hyejoo gripped her iron-clad fist tightly. Her bent wolfhead helmet in another and her malicious Khalkhan Wolf sat beside,still hunger for more Nuzhen flesh.

I will slaughter them all.... By the gods and my ancestors,i will.

Mangonels and trebuchets that was erected by the Salt Wolf's army has been slinging relentlessly within each and half a day,throwing boulders,rocks,flaming stones,and recently,corpses of the fallen Nuzhen to spread disease inside the fort. There's no shortage of them,since Hyejoo's Wolfpacks have herd them back to the fort half a moon ago. T'was a carnage. Previously losing their general to Hyejoo's axe,their ranks has been a disarray,retreating all over the direction,whilst kept on shooting with their bows. But their casualties far exceed those of Hyejoo's Wolfpacks.

"General,a rider came. Bearing a message. From the High King" Soojin's report avert Hyejoo's rage and anxious-filled gaze.

A ragged messenger clad in the High King's surcoat of crowned golden tiger gave Hyejoo a sealed scroll.

She ripped the seal open and read the content.

"Good tidings,i hope" Soojin said,hopeful and fatigued,after she was sent to scour the countryside for farmlands to raid.

"i am to inherit all of Yujin's land,after the war" Hyejoo answered,conflicted feelings was palpable in her tone. "a castle with Yujin's shadow in it and her mother's grief all over it."

"well,it's a cause to rejoice"

"When i presented a mountain of Nuzheni's severed head in front of Yujin's grave as an offering...that's a cause to rejoice!" the She-Wolf barked at her aide. Soojin could only look at her glumly. "Wrote back to the High King,as soon as we're done with this...pesky fucking fort,we'll joined our army with them and put an end to these Nuzhen pest. once and for all."

Soojin and the messenger thus retreated to Hyejoo's tent to wrote said messages,once again leaving Hyejoo alone with Bya and the Magister of Heilongjiang still not ceasing his implore to not damaging his fief,Hyejoo guessed,grumpily.

Hyejoo's long awaited sound of crumbling debris has finally come.

A breach in the wall!, The siege engineers shout,echoed by other soldiers nearby,on and on it goes until it reached Hyejoo's hearing.

"Sound the Horn! Storm the fort! None of the Nuzheni left that fort alive!" Hyejoo shout at the top of her lung and quickly jump on top of Bya,as the Khalkhan Wolf eagerly leaped on whilst Hyejoo wore her bent helmet,axes ready in hand,her Wolfpacks followed, as they raced the snow covered plains into the fortified city. Like waves of howling fury.

The remnants of the fort defender hurriedly and panickedly position themselves and their horses right behind the breached section of the wall,readying for a volley,some for counter charge. But no arrows was released,as Hyejoo and her Wolfpacks crashed into them with malice. The demoralized Nuzhen's scattered into the city,hunted and picked off one by one.

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