Chapter 28

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I wake up after some hours of sleeping, my head is aching and I´m hungry. My eyes widen as I remember last nights events and what I did with that guy. Fuck. I´m so stupid. I check my phone but there aren´t any new texts or phone calls. I slowly make my way out of the bed and go into the kitchen to get something to eat, although I´m not that hungry anymore. What happened last night should have never happened. It´s true, I do deserve that I´m happy after all what happened but I still feel bad about it.

I grab a banana, peel it and start to it. I don´t really have much appetite in the last time and I guess I´ve lost some weight but I don´t weigh myself anymore so I don´t really know. I´m never really happy with my body anway so losing some weight is actually always a good thing.

"Good morning. How was your night?" My mom asks me as she steps out of the bedroom. I never really sleep that deep and long after I was out, especially tonight. My mom´s face looks pale, but I guess it´s because she just woke up.

"Yeah, it was fun. Thanks." I simply say and smile at her. Never in a million years would I tell her that I´ve kissed another guy. Not only because of Harry but I know my mom´s opinion on kissing a guy when you only know him a few minutes. Oh well. Seems like there are going some things wrong lately.

"That´s good to hear. I´m happy if you´re happy." My mom presses a kiss on my forehead and I nod. I know that she wants that I´m happy and I´m glad that she believes me that everything is alright. I don´t want her to worry about me.

"I love you mom." I whisper.

"I love you too Lucy." She says and soon disappears into the bath. I get up and leave into my room again. I fucking miss Harry so so much and I would do anything that everything is alright again, but I guess that´s just not possible.


"Lucy? Someone´s here for you!" My dad screams and I almost jump out of the bed. Please not Harry, even though I miss him, I don´t want to see him and talk to him. He knows me well enough that I need some time for myself and it only has been one week. I let out a deep breath and walk towards the door, but it´s not Harry who´s standing infront of me. It´s a girl I´ve never seen before. I frown and step closer towards her. My dad smiles at me and leaves the floor.

"Hey?!" I say and she tries to smile, but she seems nervous. That girl is smaller than me, has a very good body and her long hair lays perfectly over her boobs. Even though I shouldn´t, I compare her to me and I´m seriously nothing compared to her.

"Uhm. I´m Katy and I know we both don´t know each other but I need to talk with you. Can I please come in?" That girl asks me and I´m still confused. I don´t know that girl at all but she has to tell me something and wants to come in?

"What is it about?" I ask her and Katy lets out a deep breath.

"It´s about Harry." She tells me and a few thoughts are suddenly coming to my mind but I quickly forget about it. It could be anything but what if that´s the girl Harry cheated on me with? I couldn´t even blame him, she looks perfect. I step to the side and let Katy come in. She follows me to my room and we both sit down on my bed.

"So what is it about Harry?" I quietly ask that girl. I suddenly don´t even want to know. My mouth is dry and I don´t know if it´s good to hear some details.

"I know you´re not together with Harry anymore and that´s basically my fault but you need to know something." I look at Katy´s thighs and stomach. She´s so fucking perfect and I suddenly feel more depressed than ever. Of course Harry would replace me one day. He deserves someone better.

"What is it? I don´t want to hear any details." I tell her but Katy shakes her head.

"There aren´t any details. When I saw Harry that night I knew instantly that he took drugs and after a few hours he was basically not alright anymore so I talked to Tim and we both agreed that I would bring him to my flat. I didn´t know if he had a girlfriend, or not. So we went there and yeah well I´ve tried to flirt with him, but Harry wouldn´t let me. I even tried to kiss him to be honest, but Harry shook his head and soon fall asleep. Lucy there was nothing happening between me and Harry. Nothing. I made some jokes in the morning and Harry believed me. If I knew it earlier that he had a girlfriend, I would have never did those things. I´m so sorry but you have to forgive Harry." Katy tells me and my eyes widen. So all of this has been a big whole lie? Harry never really cheated on me?

"Why should I believe you and why are you even telling me this? I don´t get the whole point." I honestly tell Katy and she nods.

"I saw Tim yesterday and after a while we talked about Harry and he told me that you broke up with him after you heard what has happened and of course I was shocked, so I told Tim that there was nothing between me and him and he kind of forced me to talk with you as soon as possible. Tim knew where you live and well now I´m here. You don´t know how sorry I am. Harry has no fault at all, please forgive him. It´s all my fault." Katy looks deeply in my eyes. Why should she lie? If Harry never cheated on me... then I even did a bigger mistake last night.

"I need to talk with Harry. Thank you for telling me." I honestly thank Katy. It kind of is her fault what had happened but it also means that Harry and me could start it all over again.

"Again, I´m really sorry. I will go home again but if you need anything, feel free to ask me. I hope you and Harry will be okay again." Katy gently touches my shoulder, before she quickly gets up and leaves my room. It doesn´t even take me one minute, before I get up as well. I need to go and see Harry. We need to work it out. Nothing ever happened between him and that girl. I don´t know if I should tell him about last night yet, but that doesn´t matter now. All I want is him.

I stumble out of the room to the floor but my dad´s voice gets my attention.

"Honey you need to tell her. She deserves to know the truth. She deserves to know what´s up with you." My dad´s voice is quiet, but I still understand most of the words he´s saying.

"I can´t. It would break her heart and after all she´s been through... I can´t tell her. Not now." My mom says and I know they are talking about me. What am I supposed to know and what aren´t they telling me?

"What do I have to know?" I ask and walk towards them.

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