Chapter 25

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After about ten minutes the door finally opens and I get up from the couch to see Harry walking towards me. I´m suddenly getting more and more scared and nervous. Harry looks exhausted and tired, there´s a big shadow under his eyes but to me he´s still beautiful, I can´t deny that.

"Hi." He whispers and I only nod my head towards him. Harry doesn´t give me a kiss nor a hug, he just walks towards the couch and sitts down. After a few seconds I´m finally sitting next to him, but there´s still a lot of space between us. The air is thick around us and I don´t know what to say.

"Lucy. Tell me what happened last night." Harry quietly whispers and I let out a deep breath. He looks deep into my soul and I can´t believe that he doesn´t remember this part of last night but I do have to tell him.

"You... You kind of forced me to have sex with you and when I didn´t want to, you said that this is the end of our relationship. And it seemed like you took drugs." I mumble and close my eyes. The memories of last night flashes trough my head and my breathing goes heavier again. No matter how much I loved Harry, this was a side of him that I never experienced and I never want to again. I open my eyes again to see Harry´s eyes are wide and watery. He looks shocked and sad and so am I.

"Holy shit.. I´m... so so sorry." The words leave his mouth and he tries to grab my wrist with his large hand, but I pull away. I can´t let him touch me right now, not yet.

"I can´t remember last night, but of course this isn´t an excuse. I´m so sorry." Harry tells me and I slowly nod.

"I don´t want to break up with you because of that." I tell him and a few tears are rolling down my cheecks but Harry doesn´t answer me for a few seconds.

"I don´t want to either but I need to tell you something." Harry´s voice is shaky and when I look at him I´m suddenly more scared than ever. What else did happen last night? I watch him carefully and it takes him a few more seconds to finally open his mouth again.

"As you know I can´t remember anything from last night, but I woke up with another girl. We didn´t sleep with each other, but she told me that she touched me." What? My eyes widen and I suddenly don´t know what to think. Harry cheated on me? A girl was with him and that girl touched him? This couldn´t be true. I blink a few times... this must be a nightmare, a really bad nightmare.

"You did what?" I almost chuckle but I need to wipe my tears away. Harry needs to tell me that this was just a joke, a really bad joke. But Harry´s jokes were never funny.

"Lucy, I´m sorry." Those are the only words that leaves Harry´s mouth and I don´t know how to react. So this was it then? No matter how strong our relationship is, I could never forgive him. I could never forgive him that he was with another girl, no matter how drunk he was or how many drugs he took.

"Okay." Is all I can say. My mouth is dry and my hands start to shake. What am I supposed to do now? Harry´s eyes never leave mine and it hurts me to see him like that, but slowly there´s anger building up inside of me. I need to get away from him, and I need to get away from here.

Harry´s POV

Lucy gets up from the couch and dissapears into our bedroom. I don´t know what she´s doing now and if I should walk after her to go check her. But I know that she needs some space now to probably think about everything.

I´m still sitting on that damn couch and I don´t know what to think or to do. Did I lose her now? Or will everything be alright again?

If I didn´t go out last night, nothing of that would have ever happened. I can´t believe that I took drugs... I never did that and I don´t know why I did it this night. I wish I could turn back time or at least remember everything that has happened last night to know exactly what has happened. Or maybe I don´t even want to know.

I quickly pull my phone out of my pockets and I decide to call Tim. He hopefully knows more about last night.

"Yeah?" Tim groans as he finally answers the phone after I´ve tried to call him for the second time.

"Tim? I need to ask you something." I´m still nervous and I don´t know what he´s going to answer me about all of those questions.

"Oh god last night." Tim chuckles quietly and I roll my eyes. Of course he had his fun, but I didn´t.

"Do you remember everything what has happened?" I ask him and I hear him groaning.

"Tim this is important, do you?" I almost scream into my phone.

"Yeah, yeah I do. What´s going on with you?" He asks me but I just shake my head and let out a deep breath. At least he remembers what happened.

"Tim, did I really take drugs?" I ask him and I hear him laughing again.

"Yeah. You first didn´t want to but you were already a little tipsy and you kind of gave in after some time." My eyes widen and I sigh. So it was true, I did take drugs.

"God Tim. You know exactly that I´m not that type of taking drugs or drinking alcohol. What else happened last night?" I know that it was probably not Tim´s fault, it was my own fault that I went there, drank too much alcohol and took drugs. I hear Tim´s sighing.

"Harry can we talk about it later? I really have a bad hangover but it was great last night." Tim says but I needed to know everything now.

"Tim this is important. You need to tell me NOW" My voice raisens and if he won´t tell me now, I don´t know what I would do.

"Jeez, Harold. Well you kind of wanted to go home and see Lucy but after a while you came again and there was that girl who had his eye on you. You talked with her and after a while you were gone so I thought you went home again. I mean Lucy is your girlfriend after all." Tim tells me and I let out a deep breath. So everything was true. And that hurts.

"I came home a few minutes ago, I woke up in Katy´s flat." I honeslty tell Tim, although I didn´t want anyone to know.

"Holy shit, what?" Tim voice sounds surprised, not even he would have thought I would go to that girl´s place. Hell I want to turn back time.

"What did you do with her? Did you cheat on Lucy?" Tim´s voice is almost a whisper and I know that he´s shocked. Nobody would ever think that of Lucy and mine relationship. We were that couple that went trough everything and many of my friends were jealous of our strong feelings towards each other.

"I can´t remember anything about last night, I need to get off the phone now. Let us talk later again." I tell him and after a few seconds I finally end the phone call.

Lucy´s POV

I´m finally finished with packing my bags. Of course there wasn´t that much space in my bags and I needed to come here again to pick up the rest, although I don´t know what will happen next. I just know that I can´t be here right now and that I need to get away as fast as possible.

I open the door to the living room again and step outside. Harry´s still sitting on the couch and as he looks up at me his eyes widen. He quickly gets up and walks towards me, but I try to avoid the green of his eyes.

"Where are you going?" Harry´s voice is almost not able to hear, but I still understand everything he says.

"To my parents." I answer him simple and walk towards the door.

"So that was it then?" Harry asks me. His voice sounds so dissapointed, sad and shocked. But what else did he think I would do? Forgive him that easily and just stay in this flat with him? No matter how much I wanted, I couldn´t and it broke my heart. I cry harder again and of course my sobbing is able to hear but I don´t mind and I can´t hold it back.

"I don´t know Harry." With that I grab my jacket and leave the flat.

(Ahhhhh I know this a lot of drama lately but I hope you all like it! I´m so into writing this story since a few days and so this chapter was a little bit longer than usual :)

I hope you´re all doing fine!! Love you all x )

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