Chapter 7

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I sit down next to Lena with a box full of ice cream and two spoons. Harry brought Lena lots of tissues and it´s all those little things I love about Harry.

"Harry? Could you maybe let us alone for a few minutes?" I quietly ask him. Harry knows everything about me and I would never hide something from him but I´m sure it will be better to talk alone with Lena about everything. Harry nods and I smile at him.

"Of course. I have some stuff to do anyways." He grabs his book from the couch and dissapears into our bedroom. Lena and I stay silent for some minutes, we only eat the ice cream and Lena´s tears are still visible.

"So? Do you want to talk about it then?" I ask after a while and Lena sighs.

"Yeah, I guess it would be better.. Well it may sound weird but I never could imagine a further future with Richard. I loved him of course, but I knew exactly that we wouldn´t stay together forever. When we came together in the youth home everything seemed perfect, but Richard has always been very protective with me. No guy was allowed to have a proper conversation with me, even if the guy had a girlfriend aswell. But you know we bought a flat then and moved there together. It was perfect for a while but we were at a club a few times and if I only was looking at a guy he got that angry look and when we were back at home he used to hit me. He always apologized later and promised me that it was the last time he was doing this to me but in the end it only got worse again and I just can´t handle this anymore.." Lena lets out a deep breath and she´s crying harder again. I gently lay my arm around her shoulder for comforting her.

"And you never told me because you were afraid that he would hit you harder next time?" I softly ask her and Lena nods.

"Yeah exactly. I thought it would get better if I would be here for him but it seems like he has a huge problem with himself and I just can´t help him." I nod. I could never imagine that something like this would happen to me and I don´t know how I would react either.

"Did you sleep with him?" I ask Lena after a while. Lena´s eyes stay focused on the ice cream and she avoids my gaze.

"Yeah unfortunately. It wasn´t like I would imagine making love to each other. He made it clear in every way that he was the stronger one of us. And I was always scared of leaving him. Look, I never wanted to leave him alone because I thought he needed someone and I´m sorry for what had happened to him in his childhood but he never really opened up to someone... not even to me, his girlfriend. I still can´t believe he did that to me. I wouldn´t even say that this was the only side of him, he had a gentle and loving side too... we shared some beautiful memories together but this is just not able anymore." I´m glad that Lena finally opened up to me but I know that she´s basically going trough hell.

"Besides that you´ve probably got some bad violations on your skin from him.. what about you? How about your mental health? I know that you´re having a tough time right now and I´m really glad that you finally told me but are you okay so far?" I know that she´s probably not okay but I´m just scared that she´s hurting herself again. Lena swallows and fuck in this moment I know everything...

"You´re hurting yourself again?" My voice is only a whisper and I have to try to hold back my shock and sadness. Recovery isn´t fucking easy and it only gets worse if you have problems again but Lena and I have a special connection to each other and I just can´t believe that she´s doing this shit again.

"I... I didn´t want this but I just couldn´t handle this anymore and I know that this is totally wrong but I just... did it." I can´t help looking at Lena´s wrists, which are covered in long sleeves.

"How often did you do it so far?" I ask her after a while. Lena shrugs her shoulders and this clearly means too often.

"Did you forget everything we learned in our therapy?" I don´t want to blame her but we both know a lot of ways to avoid cutting.

"Of course not.. I´m sorry." I shake my hand and take her hand in mine.

"You don´t have to be sorry Lena. What we have to do now is trying everything that you´ll get better again and I promise you I won´t leave you alone. I´m sure you´ll get out of this again.. You´re so strong and you´ve been clean for a very long time, so you can do this again, right?" Lena nods and she wipes away her tears with a tissue.

"Are you still seeing your therapiest?" Lena shakes her head.

"To be honest she couldn´t really help me. I never really trusted her."

"If you want you can go to my therapiest one time or we can go together. I really do trust her and she´s still helping me with recovery." I smile at Lena and thanks god she smiles back, even it´s a very broken smile.

"Thank you so much Lucy... for everything. I wouldn´t know what I would do without you. Everyone could be glad for having you as a friend." I close my eyes for a short moment but smile at Lena. She doesn´t know about the Facebook group yet and I really don´t want to tell her now. She´s going trough much more than me and it´s important that she´s okay again.

"I won´t let you down." I give Lena a quick kiss on her head and she smiles at me. It´s still hurting me that she´s cutting again and I somehow can´t believe it but I´ll try anything to help her out of this. Being here for someone is the most important step for recovery.

"What are we going to do now though? I have to face Richard again one time and maybe he´s looking for me." Lena´s eyes are full of fear and I have never seen her like that.

"Firstly, you can sleep here and when you´re getting better we´ll see where you can live. And secondly, you won´t go to Richard alone again. Harry and me will help you if you want to talk to him again. Everything will be okay." I try to convince Lena and I´m almost sure that we can work this out together.


After a while still of talking about what horrible things Richard did to Lena and what we´re going to do now, I finally lie next to Harry, in our bed. Lena is okay with sleeping on the couch and I hope she will be able to sleep tonight.

"Is Lena okay so far?" Harry mumbles. He´s very sleepy already and I know that it´s late and that we all have school tomorrow. I don´t know if Lena is able to go to school tomorrow though, her health is more important.

"I´m sure talking with me helped her but it´s back again.." I don´t know if Harry gets it and if I should even tell him that Lena is cutting but I just have to tell him.

"What is back again?" Harry yawns and I just have to chuckle for a few seconds before my voice and thoughts get very serious again.

"She´s hurting herself again." I sigh and Harry´s hands grab my hips suddenly tighter.

"Holy shit.. fuck this isn´t good." Harry´s voice is full of shock and it´s good to know that he feels similar with me.

"No.. it´s not good at all but I´m sure we can work this out together." I´m suddenly very tired and even if it´s dark I can see that Harry nods. Today was a hard day and I hope I can get more sleep soon.

"Let´s sleep... Are you okay so far?" It´s amazing that Harry still cares a lot about me, even when he´s tired and we both need our sleep.

"Yeah. I´m just shocked and sad that she´s doing it again but we can´t blame her. Everything will be alright." Harry gives me a kiss on my forehead and hums. Even if my mind is full of thoughts I fall asleep very quickly.

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