Chapter 8

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The alarm sound from my phone wakes me up from my lack of sleep. I quickly turn it off and turn around to face Harry, who´s still asleep but he always looks perfect. Even if I fell asleep very quickly, I didn´t get a lot of sleep and I had some nightmares. I press a kiss on Harry´s cheek and he quietly hums.

"Goodmorning. We have to get up." Harry never really hears the alarm sound from my phone, his sleep is a lot more tighter than mine. Harry opens his eyes and presses a kiss on my mouth.

"How did you sleep?" His voice is sleepy and husky. I shrug my shoulders.

"One more hour of sleep would really help me and I guess it´s all a little bit too much right now." I yawn and Harry nods.

"We´ll go to school now and after that we´ll see how to help Lena, okay?" I smile at him and we both get up from our bed. I make my way into the living room to wake Lena up and Harry is going to change in the bedroom. Lena is still sleeping on the couch and I´m glad she is, although I don´t know how much sleep she could get tonight.

"Morning Lena." I almost whisper and her eyes flutter open.

"Oh fuck. I´m tired." She rubs her eyes and I have to chuckle.

"Yeah me too. Are you able to go to school?" A lot of stuff happened to Lena recently and if she doesn´t feel alright, she shoudln´t go to school today.

"I will try it." Lena smiles and gets up.

"Do you have enough clothes so far?" Lena goes to her bag and nods.

"Yeah I thought about staying over night and fresh clothes, thank you." She takes out some jeans and a t-shirt.

"Well I´ll go to the bedroom and change aswell." Lena nods and already lifts up her t-shirt from tonight and I see all those scars she was hiding underneath. The look from it gives my heart a sting and I feel my blood rush faster trough my body. Seeing those scars you had aswell a while ago isn´t easy. I swallow and dissapear from the living room.

"You good?" Harry is dressed already, sitting on the bed with his phone in his hands. I let out a deep breath.

"Yeah. Just saw Lena´s scars." I open the cupboard and pull out some jeans and a sweater.

"Did she show you?" Harry´s voice is shocked and I shake my head.

"No she was about to change and I guess she didn´t realize it that I was still there." Harry walks behind me and lays his hands on my waist.

"It´s hard for you, right?" I close my eyes and nod. A few tears are escaping my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. Harry spins me around and takes away my hands.

"Heeey, if you aren´t feeling well, let it all out." I smile at him and he opens his arms for me to hug him. Harry is my personal therapiest and I have to chuckle at that thought. He always makes me feel better.

"Thank you Harry. It´s just a very strange feeling if you see one of your best friends doing that shit if you´ve been trough this aswell.. it hurts." Harry nods and presses a kiss on my forehead.

"Can I help you somehow? I don´t want that you get bad because of that. I want you to be happy." Harry wipes away my tears with his thumb and looks at me with worries in his eyes.

"You´re here and that´s the most important thing for me. And don´t worry, I´m not getting bad because of that." I assure him and Harry smiles. It may be a huge shock for me and it may be hard if you see something like this again but that doesn´t mean that I would do it again and it´s not going to ruin my recovery.

"I will make our breakfast and you´ll get ready, yeah?" Harry steps back and I nod.


"What are we going to do then after school?" Lena asks as we all sit at our table. It´s strange having someone else here, it always used to be just me and Harry.

"We could visit Richard, if you´re okay with it?!" I share my plans with Lena and Harry and they both nod.

"But you won´t leave me alone, right?" I shake my head and take Lena´s hand in mine.

"No, of course not. We will help you but I thought about something different." I look down at my cereals, take a bite and swallow. Both Harry and Lena look at me.

"Do you want to go to police and tell them what happened? You know Richard could get in huge troubles but what he did to you wasn´t okay." Lena looks away from me but Harry gently squeezes my thigh.

"We know that this isn´t easy but Richard should get the consequences." Harry tries to convince Lena and she sighs.

"I don´t know if I´m able to do this. After all I loved him and he has some problems already, breaking up with him doesn´t make it easier... I know what he did was wrong but I can´t go to the police.. not now." Even if it would be the best I can´t blame Lena. It´s surely not easy going to the police and report your boyfriend when he stucks in problems already.

"Alright then we´ll first go to Richard after school, yeah?" Harry asks and we both nod. Lena is very brave after all what Richard did to her and I´m very proud that she wants to get better.


School was exhausting today and I´m glad that I´ll be at home in a few minutes but that also means that we have to go to Richard and I don´t know what will happen there. I open the door to find Harry and Lena hugging each other. I don´t know why but I get jealous way too easily. Harry just tries to comfort her and he loves me and Lena is one of my best friends, but seeing them so close with each other is a very strange feeling.

I step in and they both look at me and step away from their hug. Harry comes towards me and presses a kiss on my mouth. I know that Harry would never cheat on my again and he loves me but it wasn´t always like that.

"I´ve missed you." Harry whispers. I try to smile but I know that I fail.

"Let´s not miss any minutes, let´s go then?" The sooner we´ll go, the sooner we´ll come back again and I really need to do lots for school and I can´t help but I still feel a bit of jealously.

"Yep." Harry says but looks in my eyes deeply. He knows that there´s something wrong but I smile at him.

We all walk to Harry´s car and step in. Lena is in the backseat and I´m next to Harry in the passenger seat.

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