Chapter 21

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Harry´s POV

Here I am, sitting infront of my dad, in his huge and rich house. I don´t know whether I should have taken Lucy with me but I decided against it, it´s better to talk with my dad alone.

"I´m so glad you decided to meet me. You don´t know how much that means to me." My dad says and a small smile appears on my lips. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? Even though I know that it never will be a real dad-son relationship, I´m almost sure that we still can work it out.

"Yeah I guess we need to talk about a lot of things." I mumble and take a sip from the wine my dad has brought us. I usually don´t like wine, but it´s nothing dramatic to drink a glass of wine with your dad, especially if you need to work out some things. I miss Lucy though, last night has been amazing and I already miss her body against mine. She always makes me feel comfortable, and that´s what I miss right now. I´m nervous but I know that it will be alright this time and Lucy is at home, crossing her thumbs for me.

"There went wrong so many things but I guess you know that I´m sorry." My dad says and I nod. I know that he is sorry and it´s hard for me to close this chapter but you can´t just change some things.

"Look, I think we both know that it never will be a perfect dad-son relationship between us, but I hope that we can meet each other every once a while and mine and Lucy´s baby deserves a good grandpa, and I hope you can do this for us." I tell my dad but his eyes widen and he almost chokes at his wine.

"Is Lucy pregnant?" He slowly puts down his wine class and the colour from his face suddenly dissapears. I start to laugh and shake my head.

"No, not yet. We´re both still young and we want to finish school first. But yes I can definately imagine having a baby with her." I smile at the thought of having a baby with the only girl I love. Lucy would be the perfect mother and I would try to be a better dad, than my dad is. I would never leave Lucy and our baby alone. Never. My dad nods and smiles at me.

"I´m glad you found such a great girl, I think she treats you well and you really deserve her. You two are a cute couple." The wine makes my body feel much hotter than it already is in this apartment and I almost start to laugh.

"What about you? Do you have a wife now?" My dad blushes but shakes his head.

"Well let´s say it´s complicated. I love to have a few women around me and I guess I haven´t found the right one yet, with whom I can imagine leading a life with." He shrugs his shoulders and I nod.

"You just want to have some fun, right?" I chuckle but my dad´s eyes widen.

"Well..." His gaze don´t leave the wine glass and I even have to laugh harder.

"Come on dad, I´m old enough and even me and Lucy have great sex together." I wink and my dad finally starts to laugh, too. I blame it all on this wine. I never drink that much and this wine is too much for my body. I would have never told my dad about this, but it doesn´t matter... it´s only sex.

"I hope you use protection." My dad raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"Of course, dad." I say and my dad giggles.

"I was only kidding." He shrugs his shoulders and I smile. This is what I´ve always imagined. This is exactly what I´ve missed all those years. I suddenly feel so complete and happy, and that´s not just because of the wine. My phone brings me back to reality. Lucy´s name appears on the screen and I have to smile. I told her that I would text or call her some time, just that she knows everything´s alright but I totally forgot about that.

"It´s Lucy." I mouth to my dad and he nods, taking the empty wine bottle and dissapearing into the ktichen.

"Baby?" I call into the phone and hear Lucy sighing.

"Thanks god you´ve picked up. Everything alright? I thought you would text me." She says and I nod, even though she can´t see me.

"I´m sorry, I´ve totally forgot about that but I´m doing very good, thank you." I tell her and I almost know that Lucy´s smiling right now.

"That´s good, I´m happy for you." Lucy´s voice is so soft and I would love to have her next to me right now. Or maybe not, because I´m not sure if I could keep off my hands from her infront of my dad.

"You okay, too?" I ask her.

"Yeah, everything´s alright, thank you. I just had a phone call with Lena and now I´m watching some TV and I´m eating ice cream. I miss you, though." She almost whispers the last part and I have to smile.

"I miss you, too. But I´ll come home soon, I promise you." I tell her. My dad appears again and takes his seat.

"Don´t worry, take all the time you need. I´m glad you both can work it out." Lucy says and soon we end the phone call.

"How is Lucy doing?" My dad asks me but his face looks  worried.

"She´s doing good, thanks, why are you asking?" My dad swallows and right now I know that something´s wrong.

"Nothing." My dad shakes his head and smiles but I frown.

"Tell me what´s wrong." It´s something about Lucy and everything about Lucy drives me crazy. If he won´t tell me now I don´t know what I would do to him. My dad lets out a deep breath and squeezes my hand gentle, but I pull away.

"Your mom told me what happened to her and now I get why you both lead such a strong relationship." My eyes widen.

"What did she tell you?" Yes, he´s my dad and he deserves to know the truth but he still doesn´t know us that well and I would have waited to tell him something so private.

"That Lucy isn´t doing good sometimes and that she tried to kill herself one time." I swallow and take the last sip from my wine. And I thought this evening would end well.

"Yeah, that´s true. It happened like that but I really don´t want to talk about that right now and to be honest I´m not that happy that you already know about it." I honestly tell my dad and he nods.

"I know that it must be hard for you and of course I don´t want to ask you some shit questions, because I don´t know about that anyway. But you have to know that I´m here for both of you and if you ever need anything, I hope you know that I would try to do my best for you." My dad says and his words surprise me. I thought he would ask me a lot of questions now and that he would tell me, that it would be better to keep my hands off of a suicidal girl, but he didn´t and that makes me smile. Seems like he learns from his mistakes.

"Thank you. I will tell you everything when I´m ready and only if Lucy is okay with it." My dad smiles and nods.

"That´s alright. I just hope you´re doing okay with that." I nod and close my eyes for a few seconds.

"Yes, I´m alright and also Lucy is. We´re both going trough this and I will help Lucy, no matter what happens. She is a very strong and intelligent girl, she will do this." I answer honestly and smile.

"I don´t know her that well but I know she is. She´s great and I´m glad that you love her that much. She can be very happy to have you." My dad tells me.

"Yes and I´m very happy to have her." I say.

(Sorry that it took me so long to finally write a chapter again, but there´s just so much to do for school :(

I hope you´re still into this story, as much as I am!

What do you think about Steal my girl and Fireproof? I seriously love it and can´t wait to hear the rest of Four. It´s going to be awesome :)

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