Chapter 16

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"No please Harry let us stay for a few minutes at least... maybe you can work that out.. I´m sure that your father wasn´t meant to hurt you." I try to convince Harry from going home but don´t know if it will help something.

"No way Lucy. What the fuck is even wrong with you? We´re going home. Or do you wanna stay and have a nice dinner with my dad?" Harry asks me with sarcasm and rolls his eyes. I shake my head and let out a deep breath.

"I´m sorry Mr. Styles." I apologize to Harry´s father and Harry pulls my hand away, forcing me to go outside with him.

"What the fuck was that Lucy?" Harry almost shouts at me. We´re outside the restaurant now and I don´t know what I should answer.

"I was just being polite." I quietly admit.

"What the fuck Lucy! I thought you would support me but instead you have a nice chat with that asshole." Harry´s feet move faster and I almost need to run to catch up with him.

"I know that he didn´t always react in the right way, especially when he talked about our relationship but he apologized so often about everything and.."

"Sometimes an apologize can´t help anything and hell yes he shouldn´t talk about our relationship like that. He doesn´t know anything about us." I try to take his hand in mine but he pulls away. Fucking hell.

"Please Harry I know that you´re not going to forgive your father yet but that´s no reason for blaming me." I try to explain but Harry sighs.

"I know but I just don´t understand how you could be so nice to him the whole time." Harry groans and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe because I don´t know about him and I´m nice to everyone if I don´t know that person?!" I try to explain but I don´t think that Harry will ever get it.

That evening was a disaster. I thought it would get better... that maybe Harry and his father would talk about everything and come to a solution but I didn´t think that it would get that worse. I don´t even know what to do or what to say to Harry... this is his father and his life. Maybe I should leave him alone... without me he probably wouldn´t have even met his father and without me he would be happier now. Hell this is fucked up.

The rest of our walk, no, running, is quiet and soon we´re at our flat and Harry opens the door. I don´t know if I should apologize to him or if I should wait for an apologize from him but maybe it wasn´t even Harry´s fault. If I don´t like a person I wouldn´t like it either if Harry would be nice to that person... especially if it would be about a family member.

"Harry I´m sorry. Maybe I shouldn´t have been that nice to your father and maybe I shouldn´t even convince you for meeting up with him. I know that this was my mistake." I lay my head against the wall and close my eyes. I can understand that Harry is mad at me and I would even understand if he wants some time alone now... without me.

"I´m not mad at you. I´m mostly mad at my father. I know that maybe I overreacted a little too much but he didn´t deserve it in any other way. Let us just not talk about that asshole anymore, alright?" I smile and nod.

"Alright." He takes a step closer and presses a kiss on my mouth.

"We´re good, don´t worry but I´ll go to bed now. Please just give me some time." I nod, totally understanding him and soon Harry dissapears into the bedroom.


"Hello?" Gemma answers the phone and I have to smile.

"Hey, here´s Lucy." I thought about calling Gemma. I don´t know if she knows about the meeting and I´m not sure if Harry would want if I talk with his sister about it but I need someone to talk now and the only person who would understand that would be Gemma.

"Hey, what´s up?" Gemma asks me and I sigh.

"Well I don´t know if you know about that but Harry had dinner with his dad today, including me." I tell Gemma.

"Oh yeah, my dad and also Harry told me. You don´t sound happy?! What happened?" Gemma is exactly like Harry. They know when something is wrong with me.

"Yeah well Harry couldn´t forgive your dad... and we left the restaurant when your dad said something stupid about our relationship, doesn´t matter now but anyway I don´t think that Harry will ever forgive his dad." I let myself fall onto the couch and lay my head back. It feels good to talk with Gemma, like I imagined.

"Oh god fuck... that´s not good. You couldn´t convince him from forgiving him or meeting him again, did you?" I shake my head even though Gemma can´t see me.

"No I couldn´t. I guess it would be better now if nobody talks about the situation with Harry." Gemma hums into the phone and I take a sip from a water bottle.

"Yeah. We´ll just have to wait and see what happens. It´s Harry´s choice and if he really doesn´t want to meet our dad again nobody can change that."

"Yeah probably. Well I will go to bed now, thank you so much for talking." I tell Gemma.

"You´re welcome. Just tell me if you need anything, night." I end the phone call and pull my phone back into my pocket. I get up and change into my night clothes and go into our bedroom. It´s already dark and I barely see anything but Harry´s body. I lay next to him and press a kiss on his forehead. I love him so much and I will always support him, no matter what his choices are.

"Who did you call?" Harry mumbles. Fuck... he heard me?

"With your sister. I told her about the situation, but it´s all good, it´s your choice and nobody is going to convince you otherwise." I tell Harry and he hums.

"Thank you." Harry squeezes my hand and falls back to sleep a few seconds later.

I just hope that also Harry´s father accepts Harry´s choice. I don´t know if it will stay like that forever and I´m almost sure that Harry will see his father again, since Gemma is okay with him but I´m sure that we´ll work this out together, this won´t ruin something. Nothing can come between Harry and me.

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