Chapter 6

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Lucy´s POV

"So is everything back okay between us?" I ask Harry after a while of silence. I´m afraid he is still angry and dissapointed but he nods.

"If you´re okay with it?" I smile and nod.

"Of course Harry." I chuckle and we both make our way to the bedroom. We both have school again tomorrow and we should get some sleep. It was a really hard day for us and my body needs it´s rest.

"Are you up for love before we get some sleep?" Harry mumbles and kisses my neck but I sigh.

"I would love to but I´m on my period and I´m very very tired." I explain and Harry groans.

"Alright.. do you need anything?" I shake my head and close my eyes. Harry´s hands rub my stomach and I´m seriously so glad we worked trough our stupid argument.

"I love you so much Harry." I whisper. I just can´t tell him enough and if I would tell him every minute it still would be too less.

"I love you too Lucy."


I basically was far away with my thoughts in school today. I was still very tired and Harry was on my mind all day long.

"You should get some rest. You look tired." Harry says with worries in his eyes and I nod. I´m still sitting at my homework but I can´t keep my eyes open anymore.

"Please wake me up in an hour." I tell Harry and let myself fall on the couch.

"Don´t you think it would be better if you would just sleep as long as your body needs?" Harry asks but I shake my head and close my eyes.

"No. I still need to do some things for school." I explain and Harry hums. He reads a book for school he clearly isn´t interested so I lay right next to him and Harry strokes my hair.


I guess I was only asleep for about ten minutes when the buzzing of my phone wakes me up. I groan and Harry mumbles something I can´t understand and I quickly sit up.

"Can you hand me my phone please?" I ask him and he groans but stands up.

"Why didn´t you turn it off? Sleeping is more important than any call." I nod.

"Yeah but maybe it´s something important." Harry hands me my phone and I thank him. Lena´s name appears on the screen and I have a strange feeling.

"Lena? Hey." My voice is still sleepy and I´m confused but I can still figure out Lena´s crying trough the phone.

"Lena? What happened?" I raise my voice and stand up from the couch.

"Lucy you have to get me out of here. Please." What the fuck is wrong?

"Where are you? And what happened?" I ask her again. I slip on my shoes and take my jacket.

"In Richard and my flat. Please -" The line goes dead and I´m shocked. What the fuck has happened? Lena and Richard are a couple since half of a year now and they bought a flat together about three months ago, way too early if you ask me, but they both were living at the same youth home and fell in love with each other shortly after Lena came home from the psychiatry.

"What happened?" Harry makes his way towards me and I just shake my head.

"I have to go to Lena." I open the door but Harry pulls at my arm. I turn around and look at him with an questioned look.

"I will drive you." I nod and we both run to Harry´s car. I will be there in about five minutes... still way too long if someone isn´t alright and if you don´t know what happened.

"What happened?" Harry asks me again.

"I don´t know... Lena was crying on the phone and she asked me for help and she said that she needs to get out of there." I try to explain.

"Needs to get out of there?" Harry asks me and I shrug my shoulders.

"I guess she means the flat." I let out a deep breath and Harry nods.

"Do you have any ideas what could have happened?" Harry´s voice always calms me in any situation but I´m still nervous and afraid as fuck. I shrug and let my thoughts wander. I don´t even know Richard that well, I´ve only saw some pictures with them together and Lena looks happy with him, but I always told Lena that she should be careful with him. But I don´t think that Richard could have hurt her.. or? And if Lena has gotten worse again and she is hurting herself again? I don´t have any ideas and I don´t really want to imagine what could have happened with her.

After what feels like a lifetime we´re finally infront of Lena´s flat and Harry and me jump out of the car to run towards her door.

"Are you okay with it if I´m going with you?" I ring the bell and nod. I don´t know what have happened to her and I clearly feel more comfortable with Harry by my side. My heart is beating faster any minute and I don´t know what to do. Harry takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb against mine.

"I´m here Lucy, you´re not alone." He reminds me and I smile at him.

The door finally opens and Lena comes outside with tears rushing down her face and a huge bag in her hand. I step closer and open my arms to hug Lena.

"Can I please come with you?" Lena steps back from my hug and looks at Harry and me. I look at Harry but I know that he will be okay with it.

"Of course, come with us." I pull Lena´s hand and we walk back to Harry´s car. I´m just glad that she seems alright at the first sight. Harry drives back to our flat and I hand Lena a tissue.

"Thank you." She tries to smile at me and wipes away her tears.

"What happened?" I ask after a minute of silence. Lena lets out a deep breath and looks out of the window to avoid my eyes.

"Richard... he hit me." I widen my eyes and also Harry looks shocked.

"He did.. what?" I ask with disbelief. This can´t be real.. Lena doesn´t deserve this. Nobody does.

"It wasn´t the first time... since we´re living together he became so different. He has a drink almost every evening with his friends and I never thought he would do this but... he hits me sometimes and before I phoned you it was real bad." Lena starts to cry harder again and I try to comfort her with touching her shoulder.

"Why did you never tell me?" I ask her but Lena shrugs her shoulders.

"Richard always apologized and promised he wouldn´t do it again and he begged me for keeping it at our secret. He said that he only wants to make sure I´m his only.. that´s why he did it and I couldn´t do anything.. I loved him. I was so stupid." Lena almost whispers and I let out a deep breath.

"Where is he now?" Harry asks Lena.

"He left shortly before I phoned Lucy. I guess he is about to get a drink again and I just was so scared and didn´t know what to do anymore..." I´m still so shocked and I´m sad that Lena got a first boyfriend like this. She deserves someone caring and loving... like Harry is.

"Lena try to calm down now. You can stay over night at ours tonight of course and we´ll talk about everything at home. And then we´ll see what to do. I just hope you don´t want to be together with him anymore?" I ask and thanks god Lena shakes her head.

"No of course not.. I can´t handle this anymore but I´m just so scared that he might find me and.."

"We will be here for you." Harry interrupts and I smile at him. He´s the most perfect human being.

"Thank you for everything." Lena sobs and we´re finally at Harry and my flat.

We all get out of the car and I lay my arm arond Lena´s shoulder. I don´t know how to help her and what we can do but we will be here for her and I´m glad that she finally told me what happened.

"We will eat some ice cream now and you will tell me everything when you´re ready. And I´m sure we will find a solution soon." Lena nods and thanks me with a kiss on my cheek. I still need lots to do for school but helping a friend is much more important than school could ever be.

Life always has it´s surprises and I guess Harry and me will always have to handle something.

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