Chapter Thirty One - Beckie

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Rupe was disappointed to find his wife out on a dinner engagement when he arrived home that evening. He was in an unusually reflective mood, chiefly brought on by Perry's news. Well, Simon's news regarding Perry.

It didn't worry him, Perry not telling them himself. That was Perry all over. It was more that he knew his friend very well indeed after twenty years of close companionship, and he hadn't seen this event coming on. Perry had refused to answer questions and that again was what he expected. But the burning question ... the one he'd instinctively sensed Perry did not want asked, was why? 

What had brought his friend to a sudden marriage? He needed Beckie to nut this out.

He waited for nearly two hours before she returned home, looking a little tired.

"You ain't doing too much, are you?" he asked suspiciously. "You have to take care."

Beckie smiled. "I'm being very cautious" she assured him. "Everyone is watching over me so carefully I couldn't do otherwise."

"Good." Rupe lapsed into silence, wondering whether he should have accompanied her to his sister's house.

"So why are you here, Rupe?" She made herself comfortable and stretched out her feet. "I thought you were going to White's."

"I did." Rupe tapped the arm of his chair. "Wanted to ask you. Did you know Perry was getting married?"

"Perry Haversham?" The astonishment in her face was genuine, and everything he could have wished for. "We spoke with him at Eleanor Ingham's ball. He said nothing then."

"No, but you know what? He was very odd. Hadn't thought about it till now."

"A bit preoccupied, you mean?" Beckie thought for a few minutes. "I'm glad. At least I think I am. Is it a good match, do you think?"

"Don't know. Never met her." Rupe shrugged a shoulder. "Anna Rosewood. Don't even know the name! Do you?"

"I've heard it," Beckie mused thoughtfully. "Now I wonder where .... Yes! I was at her presentation to his Majesty." She looked at Rupe in wonder. "So was Perry! I remember thinking how odd that he'd come into the reception hall on his own. He came in to watch her being presented! There's no other explanation, Rupe. It was the Royal reception in May."

Rupe digested this in silence. "Why'd he do that?" he asked aloud. "That's what I don't understand, Beckie. He's the second son. Kay's done the right thing, married and sure to produce an heir. Ain't any money problems and the Havershams – Lord, Beckie, they must be more shocked than I am! He weren't under any pressure that I know of. Why's he doing it?"

"Maybe he likes her." Beckie stifled a yawn. "I know, it's hard to see Perry in that way. But people aren't so different from each other. He might really care about her. He might be very happy and so might she."

Rupe threw his wife a disbelieving look. "I don't see it being a love match on her side. Perry don't communicate enough! Don't know that I like the thought of it being one sided, either."

"You don't know anything about it!" Beckie stood. "I'm tired, Rupe. I'll try to meet her and tell you what I learn." She left him then to go change for bed.


Perry left at midmorning the following day, taking his valet and a coachman in his own vehicle. He left a message for his father that he was going out of town and was glad nobody interrupted him. 

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