Chapter Seventeen - News

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The deep carpet in the main lounge at Toberton's cushioned Felix's footsteps as he hurried in. He paused at the door and peered round, seeing the group he was after. They saw him at the same time and favoured him with expressions of disapproval.

"Couldn't be helped." Felix said hastily, not too concerned that his friends were annoyed. "You'll never guess who is putting up at Swanston's. I was just there to meet Barrymore, and we saw Sowerby come in."

"If it's one of Sowerby's cronies, Felix, you'd better stay away." Basil said, dealing cards that had sat idle for the past forty minutes.

"I know that, you napskull!" Felix's retort was more habitual than impassioned. "It's worse than that. It's Keith Laverton."

There was a second's sharp silence. "Laverton aint in London." Rupe said confidently, picking up his hand. "I'd have heard."

"Well he's here. He's drinking ale with Flowerpot Sowerby right now."

"You sure, Felix?" Basil asked with a frown. "He aint welcome in town."

"He's here." Felix was growing tired of iterating the fact. "I don't like it. Not with the King's Cup in two weeks."

"He can't do it again." Rupe said, shifting a card in his hand. "They'd never let him on the course. Your deal, Perry."

Perry was ready with a card to throw out. He picked up another and looked at Felix. Felix took his first look at his hand and gave an exaggerated sigh.

"Know what, Felix? You'll never win at cards if you let yourself get distracted." Basil scolded. "Look at Perry. Concentrates on the game and don't lose much at all."

"He don't win much neither," retorted Felix. "I aint like that."

"No, you aint." Basil picked up, discarded and looked at his friend. "If you aint done to pieces I'll eat my hat."

"Well I'm not, so you can stop preaching." Felix looked at the cards with a smile. "Only thing I'm worried about is Leaky Laverton, trying his double-dealing tricks in town again."

"Banned from Toberton's." Perry interposed. "Banned from White's too."

"I know. He's barred everywhere. But I aint backing away from the King's Cup whatever happens. I'm onto a winner there." Felix looked through his hand and the conversation dropped. 

 Intense silence reigned.

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