Chapter Twenty Six - Decisions

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It took a lot to make Perry angry and whenever he was, very few realised it.

He was angry now, and bewildered.  Angry at the stupidity of polite society with their machinations and their misplaced snobbery and their inability to see what really mattered in the world. Angry with Anna for being just like all the others when push came to shove, and bewildered that he had allowed himself to be taken in.

When it came to a showing of hands, she did exactly what they all did. Sold herself to the highest bidder.

He left Anna with her relative and headed for the Ingham library, which had been turned into a card room. At the door he looked back and saw her, looking lost and despairing beside Mrs Cosgrove. It seemed just. He went in search of Basil and Felix.

Simon Everard joined them in a game and with good port, skilled opponents and a comfortable seat Perry's anger began to dissipate. He hadn't been fair. He knew from the day they met that she was here to make a match: no Londoner needed to be told such things about country girls who came for the season. Only he'd begun to think Anna was different: that she was somehow a step above the others.

He had to think about his hand for a while, but thoughts of Anna Rosewood intruded more than he liked. He'd not done the right thing. His mind conjured up a memory of Anna sitting out there, looking as though her world had crumbled about her. That was not the look of a girl about to execute a satisfactory engagement.

He pondered on whether to hold the ace of spades or not. Felix was likely to pick it up and run with it. His eyes flicked over Simon Everard's blank and untroubled face. He had something up his sleeve.

It was ludicrous to think there was no alternative for a young lady but to marry someone she didn't like. Anna Rosewood was coming it too strong there. If she didn't like him, why didn't she just say no? There'd be another man ... he knew all about Mr Withand and her hopes. He'd fully expected to read of their engagement. Odd ... now that he thought about it, that hadn't bothered him the way this man did. Fogarty ... had he met him?

Basil threw out an eight of diamonds. Perry looked at it, considering Basil's probable hand.

His sister Julia hadn't met someone she wanted to marry. She'd had six offers that he knew of and had turned all of them down. Their father had been quite annoyed about a few of the refusals and Julia was still at home, trying to run the place.

But Anna had said she wasn't welcome at home. What did a well-brought-up single lady do in that situation?

Perhaps her options really were somewhat limited. Besides, she was a very obedient girl and Amelia Cosgrove was what Julia would call a peagoose. That woman was probably pushing Anna to accept.

Felix was out. He sat back and watched the play. Perry finished his fourth glass of port and played the ace. Basil slapped a jack on top with a crow of delight and Perry knew his game was over.

"Hitting it a bit hard, aren't you Perry?" Felix asked interestedly, having had leisure to watch them all. "Never seen you drink like that."

Perry looked at him thoughtfully. "Think I'll go out for a bit." He wondered if Felix was right. He could see Simon and Basil were in it for a while yet. There was time to go apologise to Anna.

They were gone. Perry took a few minutes to convince himself of that. It was a worry,  they never left a social function before the dancing was all but played out. He joined Rupe and Beckie and for a few minutes. Then he went outside to have a look round, oddly dissatisfied.

The fresh air revived him enough to play another game and this time he won. He was confidently in control again. Simon left and they decided it was time to move on.

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