Pt 2, Chapter Seventy - Popeye

Start from the beginning

 "Like we get to cuddle our baby," I say poking his chest and stomach. He looks to the bedside table and smiles before looking back at me, "You didn't forget" He says pointing at the egg and bacon sandwiches, "How could I forget our vows?" I ask raising an eyebrow at him, he goes to sit himself up in bed so begin to climb off his lap but his hands lock into my waist pushing me back down. 

"I never said you could move kitten, we eat like this, get ready and then go" He says as he passes me a sandwich before taking one for himself, we sit there in comfortable silence starting at each other as we eat breakfast and drink our coffees just enjoying each other's company but I know I'm going to have to change the bedsheets when we get back, i fucking hate crumbs in the bed. 

"I'm going to get the doc to come down with us" Jax calls out from the bathroom after our shower, I dry my body with my towel before wrapping my hair up with it, "Why's that?" I ask as I dig through drawers looking for something to wear "I'm bringing our son home" He replies this time from behind me causing me to jump in my place. 

I rest the back of my head against his chest and close my eyes "Mmmmm I love it when you say that" I hum as he bites down on my neck nipping and pulling at the sensitive skin. "Say what?" He asks slightly amused with himself, "Bringing our son home" I reply smiling to myself. Jax spins me around so I'm facing him, my eyes quickly rake over his naked torso the water still dripping down his perfect body before I look up to him, he's already smirking at me looking me up and down.

 I look down and notice I'm ass naked, "Keep it in your towel puddin, we have a busy day" I say bopping him on his nose. I slip past him and go to the closet grabbing my ripped black skinny jeans and one of Jax's hoodies that looks like a dress on me, but I don't have to wear a bra so it's a win-win. I chuck a pair of underwear on before putting the jeans on, I look out the corner of my eye and see Jax watching my every move but still getting dressed himself. 

I go back into the bathroom and take the towel off of my head throwing the hoodie on before quickly running a brush throughout my hair trying to untangle as much of it as I can. Jax stands behind me and effortlessly fixes his hair before taking the brush out of my hands. He begins to brush my hair while I stand there like a child, "I feel like a kid again" I say watching him as he concentrates on the birds' nest at the back of my head. 

"That's because you are a kid" He smirks through the mirror, I roll my eyes at him but hiss out when he smacks my ass "See you have to be punished like a child". He finishes brushing my hair for me and smiles "Now do you need daddy to put in in pigtails?" He smirks this time "Don't ever call yourself daddy like that again" I cringe turning around to face him. 

He laughs and smiles so big the corners of his eyes crease, "Move hot stuff I need my shoes" I say swatting him away but he lifts me up onto the counter and walks out the door returning a few seconds later with some socks and my riding boots. I watch as he gets down onto one knee and proceeds to put my socks on and does my shoes up for me.

 "You know I can dress myself right," I say still looking down at him, he looks up as he finishes putting on my last shoe and tightening it for me "Harley you're my wife, shut up and let me love you. You made breakfast so it's only fair" He replies as he stands up leaving a kiss on my forehead. I slip off the counter and follow him downstairs as he carries the empty tray of dishes down to the kitchen sink.

"Look we are basically matching," I say walking up beside him, both of us are in ripped jeans, riding boots and large hoodies the only difference is Jax looks like a fucking sex god and I look homeless. "Just one more thing," He says as he walks past me, he rubs his hands over my head messing it up as he walks out the room.

"Big fat donkey" I  mumble to myself as I run my fingers through my hair to try and fix it, i look at myself in the reflection of the toaster and sigh, "Good enough". A few seconds later Jax is back and is now wearing his cut and a silver chain around his neck, "Turn around" He orders twirling his finger in the air. I do as I'm told and I turn around, I can feel the front of his body press up against my back as he slides my property cut over the hoodie just like his.

He then slips a silver chain around my neck clipping it up for me, I hook my finger around the chain and pull at it until I see two small letters dangling at the end of it a J and an E. I turn around and jump up into Jax's arms smashing my lips down onto his without giving him time to think about it. "I love it, I love it, I love it!" I squeal looking down at the necklace.

He uses his free hand to pull his chain out from under his shirt, the necklaces are the same besides the letters he has an E and an H. "Now we really do match" He hums as he begins to speak "Now, let's go kidnap our son".

We get to the SUV and Jax practically shoves me in and locks the doors behind me, my face deadpans and I look out the window to be met by Jax's back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask banging my palm against the window, "Jax!" I yell out again but he just leans against the window more, I bang on the window again but he doesn't turn around.

 It's been 5 minutes and I've lost what little patience i had left "JAXON FUCKING JONES, IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR IN THE NEXT  SECONDS I'M KICKING THE WINDOW OUT!". He continues to stand there and talk to someone so I move forward with my threat, I crawl over the middle console and into the backseats, I position myself and begin to kick the window out.

 "Listen here motherfucker" I begin as I climb out of the now broken window, Jax turns to face me and he looks PISSED but not as pissed as I am. "Don't even give me that look you fucker" I growl as i dust myself off, "Kitten this is the nomad I asked you to keep an eye out for" I look to where Jax is nodding his head and see a young but heavily built man standing there smirking at me.

"I don't give a fuck who the fuckwit is, he's cutting into baby time" I hiss keeping my eyes focused on the man infront of us, if Jax doesn't like him then i shouldn't either. "Harley..." Jax begins not taking his eyes off of the stranger infront of us. "No Jax, we haven't been able to hold or feed our baby for 4 fucking weeks, no more bullshit let's fucking go," I say clapping my hands, I know this is not the right way to approach this situation but I'm ready, like let's fucking goooooooo.

"Listen here popeye, we have shit to do. Come back later or tomorrow or never, I don't really care" I shrug my shoulders as Jax takes a few steps forward towards him until his face is inches away from the nomads. "Ice right?" He questions and the stranger or 'Ice' nods his head still smirking. "Right, come back in let's say 6 hours and we can talk. Until then I suggest you try out one of our very fine establishments in town".

The man looks back over to me still smirking, "And i suggest you take your eyes off my god damn wife or you won't have any to look out of for the rest of your life. I know you have heard the rumours about us, don't make me show you just how true they are" Jax growls.

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