Chapter 34 - Don't Let Me Go

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Geoff and I stood back and watched as the doctor examined Logan, who was moaning incoherently, his head tossing from side to side on the pillow. I silently prayed that Logan would be fine and the doctor would tell us there was nothing to worry about.

Finally he turned to us and sighed. "Well, he has an abnormally high body temperature, which is linked to an infection that's formed in his wound. Even so, it shouldn't be this high, I can't understand it. I don't want to give him any medicine until I know what's wrong, so I suggest you take him down to the hospital."

"No..." We all looked at Logan; his eyes were half open as they tried to focus on me. I went to him, hesitantly taking his hand in mine.

"Logan, you have to go. We have no choice-."

"No! Cass, don't let me go. Don't." His eyes pleaded with me, his hand gripping mine in a painfully tight grip. How could I force him to do anything? It seemed that the doctor was waiting to hear me agree to take him to hospital. But I was torn. It was Logan's decision and even though he wasn't in his right mind, anyone could see he didn't want to go.

"I can't make him. It's his decision and he's said no..." The doctor gave me a disapproving look. No doubt he thought I was an immature teenager who didn't really understand how serious this was. But he was wrong. In my head I was already planning how to handle this. Geoff would have to look at the infection, which the doctor said had formed in the 'wound', that must be from where he was stabbed. The last I had seen of it, it seemed to be healing fine. I would have thought there would only be a fresh scar there by now.

"Well, if you change your mind, let me know. But he really should be checked over-."

He was cut off abruptly as Geoff ushered him out the room, shutting the door behind them. Logan didn't acknowledge me again that day, his mind only knew the pain and sickness his body felt. I sat with him, bathing his forehead with a damp cloth. I struggled to remove his shirt so I could bath his bare chest and see if I could cool him down. Geoff and Jack occasionally came in to check on him. I told them to have dinner without me. Instead I sat with Logan as he slept, watching the sun set behind the snow covered hills in the distance and just before I left to go to my own bed that night, I was sure Logan's temperature was cooler than it had been earlier that day.

My own bed felt too cold and too lonely tonight. I left the curtains open and watched as the sky turned from a cloudy blue to black. In a selfish way I wished that Logan's would stay ill for a little bit longer, so that me and Jack could stay here for just a day or two longer. The thought of going back to that cold flat made me feel physically sick so I tried not to think about it. It always lingered in the back of my mind though, reminding me that I didn't belong here any longer, that soon I would have to leave.

My eye lids were so heavy and I soon fell asleep.


When I opened my eyes the next morning I found myself looking into what could only be described as the most beautiful, sea blue eyes I had ever seen.

He smiled down at me and said, "Hey."


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