Chapter 22 - Like I Did With Logan...

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Over breakfast I updated him with all that had happened since we last saw each other. He listened silently until I had finished.

"I miss Jack. I need to get him back but I don't know how."

"We'll find him, I promise. But that still doesn't explain what's up with Logan."

"He was fine until yesterday." I shook my head. "I don't know what changed."

"He was pretty messed up when you left. He didn't get over it. Don't know what he's doing messing around with that girl."

"I didn't leave. He couldn't get rid of me quick enough. I kept waiting for him to ring and tell me he missed me but he never did. All it would have taken was for him to pick up the phone. But he didn't so he can't have missed me that much."

Geoff didn't answer. I sipped at my now cold coffee, lost in thoughts of Logan.

"You really love him, don't you?" The question took me by surprise. I swallowed hard.

"That doesn't matter anymore. He's obviously moved on and I have to do the same."

"Oh Cass, does he know you feel this way?"

"There's not much more I can do to spell it out for him. I've told him I love him, I've shown him. If he doesn't know by now then he never will. And even if he does know he made it pretty clear last night that he doesn't feel the same way."

"Well if you really do want to move on, there's a guy over there checking you out." He smirked at me.

"Are you joking? No one's ever 'checked me out'. Not even Logan did that."

"Or maybe he did, you just didn't see." I smiled weakly at him, grateful that I had him to cheer me up.

"You should go over and introduce yourself. Then bring him home and show Logan how much you've moved on."

"I think introducing myself would be enough. What guy is it?"I twisted round to scan the area. In the corner of the small cafe we were sat in there were two men sat talking, a third, walking up to their table with drinks, noticed Geoff and turned toward us.

"Alright Geoff, how's it going? Alright?" He had a thick welsh accent that made me smile when I thought of him and Logan having a conversation. It would be almost unintelligible. Stop thinking about Logan, I reminded myself.

"Dave, how's it going? Alright?" It seemed that this was how they often greeted each other.

Dave gave me the once over and I knew it was him that Geoff had been talking about. He sat down next to me on the small bench, close enough that the whole right side of his body was deliberately pressed up against mine.

"Don't mind if I sit, do you?" Considering he had already sat down I took this as a rhetorical question and didn't answer.

"Dave, this is Cassie. Cassie, Dave." Before I could say hello Dave had grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"What an honour it is for me to meet such a beautiful young lady."

Geoff was trying to hide his laugh in his cup as I smiled kindly to Dave.

"Lovely to meet you too." I pulled my hand back only to have Dave throw his arm around my shoulders. I looked to Geoff for help.

"So Dave, what are you doing tonight? Fancy coming over to ours? It's Cassie's birthday soon but her birthday party's tonight." Party? I couldn't have a party. I was supposed to be looking for Jack.

"Oh sure, I can make it. It'll give me a chance to get to know this beautiful little lady better." When he leered at me again I had to force myself not to be sick.

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