Chapter 3 - Memories

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We were sitting in the kitchen, him across from me, face expressionless, but I could the tiredness in his eyes and something else...sadness.

'Are you ok?' I asked. He looked at me as if seeing me there, sitting in front of him for the first time.  

"Yeah, I'm fine... Look Cassie. I've been meaning to talk to you." His voice had no emotion in it, as if he was speaking from a script that he'd read many times and had gotten bored with.  

'"'ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now. I can't do this anymore.'"

"You can't do what anymore?'"I asked, confused.  

"I mean I can't pretend that our...relationship is normal.'"

"I don't understand. It's perfectly normal. There's nothing wrong-" I began but he cut me off.  

"No. It's not normal." I sucked in a sharpe breath, ready to argue but he carried on. "Not for me it's not. I don't have friends, I'm not good at being..." he let the sentence trail off.  

"I didn't think we were friends."  heard the hurt and confusion in my voice, knew he heard it too.  

"That's why it has to end. Now." He said it in the same voice, wearing and emotionless mask on his face that I was growing to hate.  

"Why? Why are you doing this?" My voice broke, but I didn't care anymore.  

"It's been fun. You're a nice enough girl, I'm sure you'll find someone else friends with." He ignored my question and avoided my gaze, looking out the window.  

I laughed at that. "Is that what we were to you. Just friends? Don't I mean anything to you anymore?" He still wouldn't look at me. Why wouldn't he look at me?  

"Cassie, you've got to understand that I can't do this to you. I can't bring you into this. Just trust me." His gaze met mine then. His eyes begged me to listen to him. Begged me to understand what he wasn't telling me. "Please."

"No. You can't tell me to go away, that you don't LOVE me, and then to trust you. Why won't you just tell me?" There was a lump in my throat and a stringing in my eyes, but I wouldn't let him see me cry.  

"I can't tell you. Please, Cassie." His voice held desperation now.  

"Logan. No. Don't keep pushing me away. For once, just let me in."

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