Chapter 15 - I'm Sorry

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The closest marked point on the map was another five hour drive, we went and checked out of the hotel after collecting our things, loaded up the truck and set off again. I was so fed up of driving. All I had to listen to was Logan singing along to old country songs on the radio, which I knew he was only doing to annoy me.

It took us six hours to get to a hotel; I hadn't taken the traffic into account. Logan carried the bags up to our room, a shared room with two beds because it was the only one available. It was Logan's turn to shower first. I sat looking over the map whilst I waited.

I had been sat studying that map for about ten minutes when I felt the warmth from Logan's body press against my back and his arms trapping me against his bare chest.

I gasped as his lips lightly brushed against my earlobe before he bit down gently.

"What are you doing?"I breathed the words as my heart beat sped up.

"Loving you, just like I used to. Do you remember when the first time we kissed? It was Christmas Eve and I came to give you your present, it was a ring. And you -."

"Logan stop it, why are you doing this to me? You were the one that told me you didn't love me anymore and now you kiss me and tell me you love me..." I stood up and moved away from him.

"I had to tell you that. I told you that because I knew if we stayed together something like this would happen. I knew that they would use you to hurt me."

"How are things any different now?"

"I realised I can't live without you. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry is not good enough, I went through hell without you, I don't think you realise what it was like."

"Of course, I know I went through the same hell as you!"He stood there begging me to trust him, with that face of perfect beauty with one lone tear rolling down his stubble covered cheek.

I kissed him, only our mouths touching for one long moment as we memorised the feel of each other, the taste of love, of promise and a future together. I brought my hands up to his face, fingers tracing each centimetre of his beauty. He felt so familiar and yet so new.

"I love you, I'm sorry, I love you." I hear him chanting as we fall onto the bed, his hands at my hips.

"I love you, I missed you so much." I say as he kisses me over and over.

And I know this is us, together, as we should have been all along.

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