" That middle blocker..." you recall the chills you got when jersey number 11 blocked one of Ushijima's powerful spikes. You recall chanting the words ' no way' after that shocking moment. Karasuno was never a flightless crow, you thought. 

" Did Oikawa spill some bullshit information? None of them were even useful during the game!" You complain to your other self. If a random passerby were to see you right now, they'd think you were a lunatic talking to yourself.

" Fuck you, Oikawa" you pantomime a middle finger pose, as if you were giving the finger to Oikawa himself.

" What did I even do to you, f/n-chan?" 

The familiar voice causes you to roll your eyes. Out of all the fucking time you chose to appear, you chose now? Tough luck.

Oikawa towers over you, his hands placed inside his pockets. He's wearing a casual outfit which you don't see often. His face has the smug look all over, delighted to see his ex-girlfriend AND rival in defeat.

" Here's what you did." You stand up, getting ready to spill your frustration on the guy. " You gave me some bullshit, fake and unbelievable infos about those two" Oikawa smirks and continues to listen to you intently.

" I should've known! I should've known that what you were saying about them at that time weren't true. Spiking with your eyes closed? Aiming the ball at minus tempo to a spiker without signals? Even a child wouldn't believe that!" You vent out your frustration, however, Oikawa looks at you in disbelief. He shakes his head and smirks, a smug smile forms on his face.

" and you really thought I was a reliable source?" He asks in a frustrated tone.  " f/n-chan.. do you think... people stay the same? That they don't change? That they don't improve? Do you think that the teams that failed to win their games spent the summer relaxing and basking under the sun?" He pounds you with questions.

" I.. I don't know" you reply back. 

" They practiced, f/n. They were swallowed up in their own feelings of defeat that they practiced so hard to improve. That's what happened, f/n"

" That's what happened to Karasuno" Oikawa adds. His face turned serious in seconds. Your head lowers down in sadness. 

" I just.... I just wanted my team to win..." your voice becomes quieter as you bite your lips in order to hold your tears back. Your eyes widen when you feel his hand on top of your head. 

" Don't we all?" Oikawa attempts to comfort you, a sad smile plastered on his face. 

" What's going on?" Ushijima's deep, husky voice startles you and Oikawa quickly removes his hand from your head. His face returns to the smug look he had earlier once he sees Ushijima.

" Congrats on losing, Ushiwaka" Oikawa teases. Ushijima stands beside you, he was covered in his jacket and his face looks much calmer than earlier.

" Same goes to you" Ushijima responds with a poker face. The honest yet also sarcastic comment of Ushijima made Oikawa a little pissed off.

" Where's the confidence? You sound like you're about to kill someone" He asks Ushijima, your eyebrows furrow at his statement. To you, Ushijima didn't sound like that at all. 

Before this argument could take a turn for the worse, you decide to step in. " Oikawa, that's enough, stop rubbing salt in our wounds. And can you please be considerate, you lost as well so you should know how we feel"

"..... Actually I don't know how you feel, Ushijima" The smug and pretentious character he had earlier disappeared, his aura becomes serious again.

Ushijima x reader (Revisions Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now