"So it's called a kiss huh!" Cangse Sanren took the book, she was avoiding seconds ago and started to skim through it. 

For her it was just another remedy to deal with poison stuck in the gut but to the world it was a kiss.  Just like Wei Changze heard from disciples how the woman carried him, the juicy detail of the kiss also slipped. Wei changze didn't believe that but his red face said otherwise. 

Once again she had him cornered. 

"A-Chen would love to know this." The moments of  teasing had turned into nostalgia. She sat down on one of the desk, she took out her blade and trace the words chiseled on it. She would always give Xingcheng a peck on his chubby round cheeks with the color of peach. 

"Your Shidi?" Wei Changze sat beside her. He was taken aback by the sincerity in her eyes. 

"I wish you could see him, he has the prettiest eyes." 

Maybe Wei Changze could believe her if he wasn't allured by those eyes.

"He was the one who named by blade." Cangse Sanren begun her journey in the memory lane. 

That day was still clear as it was painful.





"Niang told me that you are going away." The little boy ran as fast as his little feet could carry him.

"A-Chen come sit with me." Cangse Sanren patted the side of her futon, gesturing him to sit. 

Xiao Xingchen's feet were as heavy as his heart but he managed to drag them to sit beside her. She pulled him over and made him sit on  her lap. 

"A-Chen, do you remember what Niang said?" 

Xiao Xingchen nodded, and repeated what she said, word by word,

"The loneliness and being unloved is the worst poverty." 

"That's right, Just like you and me, there are others who are lonely. I must go and help them." And that's what she did, never affiliating herself with any sect, while continuing her journey she had helped countless homeless children find new homes and saved common people from the spirits and ghosts.

"But you're sick."  

She was indeed, having the deadliest weapon bond to her soul. Fragments of her life were slowly washing away and she had to break the bond with the Gate, for her sake and  for the sake of world. 

"When will you come back?" For him, she was more than a sister. How could a child live without his mother?

"A- Chen, If my path leads me back here then I would never leave you again." 

"Will you not  cultivate the path of Xian?" 

"There's more than just the path of Xian, A- Chen. Give me your hand." 

Cangse Sanren gave him the a tassel made of red threads and stone. Xiao Xingcheng gasped. Disciples aren't meant to carry anything that might evoke worldly desires. But their love for each other was already the most expensive desire to hold. 

"This will serve as my memory." 

It was a memento, Xiao Xingchen carried along with his Horsetail whisk.

"What about me? How will you remember me?"  He had to make sure, his Shijie would remember him so she could come back to him.

Cangse Sanren chuckled, she placed a kiss on his cheek and suggested, 

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