GM 2: CLG Leads The Series 1-0

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After a dominant win last night, the Colgate Raiders will look to head to the quarterfinals with a win over Brown on Saturday night. With 19:42 left in the first period Samuli Niinisaari scored to make it 1-0 Brown. With 7:15 left in the first period Josh McKechney scored his third goal of the season to tie the game 1-1. With 6:39 left in the first period Griffin Lunn scored his fourth goal of the season on the power play to make it 2-1 Colgate. Mitchell Benson and Gavin Nieto match zeros for the remainder of the period so the Raiders leads 2-1 heading to the second period. Benson and Nieto match zeros in the second period so, the Raiders will head to a crucial third period up 2-1. With 1:02 left in the third period Luke Krys scored to tie the game 2-2. Benson and Nieto match zeros for the remainder of regulation so we'll have extra playoff hockey because of a 2-2 tie. With 3:55 left in overtime Tyler Penner scored his fifth goal of the season and the Raiders win 3-2 and Colgate sweeps the series! Colgate will have to wait for their next opponent! Stay tuned for updates on next weekend's series.

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