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The next day, Jungkook woke up snuggled into Taehyung's embrace. He turned to his side to check the digital clock on the bedside table. 10:07.

He turned once again to face Taehyung and took the time to admire his face for a while. Some bangs where dangling in front of his closed eyes, and his plump lips were parted. Jungkook brushed the stray hairs back and tucked them behind Taehyung's ear. The action made the older fidget in his sleep and he tightened his grip on his boyfriend, making the latter chuckle.

"Tae, it's time to wake up." Jungkook started to pepper kisses all over his face. Eventually Taehyung opened his eyes with a pout forming on his lips.

"Hmm what time is it?" A shiver ran down the younger's spine when he heard his deep raspy voice heavy with sleep.

"It's ten o'clock." Taehyung whined and closed his eyes once again. 

"Come on you lazy butt." Jungkook sat up on his knees and removed the comforter. The cold air nipped at Taehyung's bare skin and he glared at his boyfriend.

Finally, after a good ten minutes of persuasion, Taehyung got out of bed. This time, Jungkook decided to give him a break and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Taehyung sat at the table with his phone in his hands. The couple had a light conversation as Jungkook made some pancakes for the both of them.

They continued to talk as they ate, and Taehyung seemed to look more alive with each bite of his pancakes entering his stomach. The older was holding Jungkook's hand over the table, occasionally caressing the soft skin with the pad of his thumb. When they were finished, Jungkook made the dishes rest in the sink after he had rinsed them. 

Right at this moment, Taehyung's phone rang on the table. The latter grabbed it and chuckled when he saw the caller ID. He didn't hesitate to answer the call.

"Hey Jin." The person on the other line scoffed.

"I'm your hyung you disrespectful twat." Taehyung stifled a laugh while Jungkook sent him a curious look. Seokjin and Taehyung had met in college, and they had stayed friend ever since. 

"Anyway, how did your holiday with Joon went?" 

"Ahh it was absolutely wonderful. Expect the part where he forgot his passport. Well, I shouldn't be surprised by now." Seokjin and his boyfriend, Namjoon had went to Hawaii for their five-year anniversary. The oldest had introduced him to Taehyung when they began dating, and he had become a good friend of Taehyung as well.

"That's quite typical." Seokjin continued to relate details about their vacation, his windshield-like laugh making an appearance once in a while as he told some stories.

"By the way, do you want to come for supper? I'm throwing kind of a welcome-back party, with Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok you know." Taehyung pondered the idea in his head.

"Is it alright if I bring my boyfriend?" Seokjin stayed silent for a while before he practically yelled over the phone. Taehyung had to put a good distance between his ear and the device.

"What?! You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me?! I don't matter to you anymore, is that it?! Well guess what, you're not my child anymore!!" When he had finished talking, Taehyung took the chance to say a word.

"So does that mean he can come?" 

"Of course he can come you ungrateful brat!!" 

Taehyung turned to his boyfriend, who was fidgeting with his mittens and looking at the ground. He lifted Jungkook's chin up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. 

"Don't worry baby, they're going to love you okay?" Jungkook silently nodded with a small smile forming on his face. 

Taehyung didn't even bothered to knock and entered in the apartment with Jungkook silently trailing behind him. They had the time to remove their outerwear before Seokjin came to greet them.

"Ahh my dear child, how I've missed you." The oldest brought Taehyung in a bone-crushing hug, making the latter grunt in protest. Namjoon came trudging behind while chatter could be heard from the closed-off kitchen. 

"Hey Tae." Namjoon patted the male's back affectionately and asked him how he's been. On the other hand, Jungkook watched the scene unfold in silence, feeling quite awkward. Seokjin's attention drifted to the male standing behind Taehyung.

"And you must be the boyfriend?" Jungkook was about to speak when Seokjin cut him to the chase. "Wait, aren't you Taehyung's roommate? Ooh I always knew you two would end up together." 

Jungkook was blushing to the tip of his ears, looking at his boyfriend for help. Taehyung chuckled, used to his hyung's antics, and brought him closer by his waist.

"This is Jungkook, my boyfriend and roommate." Jungkook bowed towards the two strangers and did his best to avoid eye contact. Seokjin took a step forward and brought the youngest into his embrace, making the other's eyes widen in surprise. The eldest broke away from the hug and grabbed Jungkook by his shoulder while wearing a beaming smile.

"I'm Seokjin, and this lanky boy standing behind me his Namjoon. Though I like to refer to him as my boyfriend." Jungkook stifled a giggle. "Welcome to the family." Seokjin leaned over till he was a centimeter from Jungkook's ear.

"If you hurt my child, I will hunt you down, chop off your dick and shove it down your throat until you choke on it, are we clear?" Jungkook nodded franticly. In a fraction of seconds, Seokjin returned to his lovey dovey self.

"Alright kids, let's go to the kitchen. We were waiting for you to start dinner." 

When they entered the room, Jungkook immediately noticed Yoongi and Jimin. He gave a tiny wave towards the couple who greeted him along with Taehyung. In a corner, leaning on the countertop, was another stranger who seemed shine like the sun as he smiled at the newcomers. The man stepped forward and stretched his hand in front of Jungkook.

"Hey I'm Hoseok." Jungkook shook his hand with a smile. The man's energy was contagious. 

The food was already placed on the table, waiting to be eaten. And so the seven men sat down and began to do as such, chatting and talking about the recent news concerning their lives. Jungkook gradually warmed up to the group, encouraged by Taehyung's presence next to him and who kept sending him a reassuring smile or kissing his cheek.

Without even knowing it, Jungkook had found another family.

Another update for you my lovelies! I wanted to thank you for the amazing support I have received on this story. We're already at 11.8k views and I'm really grateful. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, if you did, vote or comment ;)


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