A rude welcoming

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"Wake up lazybones!"
Urgh. I bury myself further under the covers. No....school.
Eliza tugs off the covers and gives me a big hug. "You will get up now, because if you don't, there's a bucket of cold water just waiting for you-"
I bolt out of bed. "I'M UP...I'M UP!"
I almost feel her think, right answer...
I throw on my new school uniform, made up of a red and black tie, black jumper, tartan red skirt and a white shirt. We just moved here from London. When mum died, dad grew more and more depressed cooped in a grey flat full of painful memories. And then he cracked and decided we needed a new start, a new house, a new life.
And here I am now, weaving through the moving boxes packed with stuff, to a new school. I'm seventeen and seven eighths. Surely I can survive this.

Eliza, Peggy and I are hanging around at the looming school gates. "Yorktown high" the sign practically yells at us. I glance around at the other students clustered around the school grounds in their established cliques. "Are we even gonna make friends at this place."
Eliza smiles. "Relax, we're the Schuyler sisters, and Schuyler sisters always stick together. It will be fine."
Famous last words...
Eliza, though I'm like a year older than her, has always been the cool mature one. It's all a breeze to her.
I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and turn around.
"Alexander Hamilton. Nice to meet you."
The boy reaches out his hand for me to shake. I simply raise my eyebrows.
Eliza elbows me, glaring daggers. "What Angelica meant to say was, we're the Schuyler sisters and we're new to this school."
Alexander looks right at me with his playful green eyes and smirks. "Well, seeing as you're new, would you two like to come to the party at my house tonight."
I frown. "If we're coming, Peggy's coming too."
"The fat one? Okay... I guess she can come."
He strolls away, and I can't believe his attitude. How rude...
I glance at Peggy, and she doesn't meet my eyes. I see a tiny tear trace down her caramel cheek. I want to go right over to that guy and show him EXACTLY what I think of his stupid party. I'm about to go give him a piece of my mind when Eliza brushes my arm. "Leave it. Boys like that aren't worth your time."
I'm still seething when the bell rings, and we head to class.

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