"You said Nana was sick."

"She is."

"Yeah she's sick! She's super sick! She's sick!" Lucas began to try to come to Mikes side as Mavis rolled her eyes.

"Butt out, Brother." Mavis said as Lucas's eyes widened.

"And that's when I walk away." Lucas said as his hands shot up and took a few steps backwards.

"Yeah we're shopping! Not for us but for her, for Nana! Also we're here to get a gift for you." Mike said as Carrie gave him a look of disbelief.

"Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you and I only have like three dollars and fifty cents so it's hard." Mike said with a sigh and a drop of his head.

"You lie." El said as all their attention went to her.

"Tell Carrie why you lie!" Mavis said to Mike as his eyes widened and took a step back at her angry glare. Mike could only look at Carrie, not being about to say anything. Carrie looked back at El as the girl walked forward.

"She dumps your ass!" the taller brunette said as she held the ice cream in her hands.

"Yeah! El's right! I do!" Carrie explained.

"Lets go, girls." Max called out as they began to turn away.

"You're not shit, Wheeler!" Mavis called out to him as the four climbed onto the bus, both pairs sitting across from each other before the four busted out laughing.

"See, what did I tell you? Max is great." Mavis said while she gave El's foot as small nudge as they rode off.

The girls ended up back at Els house that night, happier than ever. Max and Mavis were jumping around the room together, singing into the hairbrushes as the radio was turned up loudly. El was laid on the bed, looking through the many magazines while Carrie painted her own nails just a foot away.

"Oh you found Phoebe Kate's." Max laughed as she looked over El's shoulder down at the magazine.

"El, i'm literally right here." Mavis explained as El looked up at her with a grin.

"Dustin was right, I see the resemblance." Carrie added in while making room for the two girls to sit down.

"Phoebe Kate's may be hot but Ralph Macchio is the hottest." Carrie explained while flipping through the other magazine.

"Macchio?" El asked with a grin, finding the last name funny.

"He's the karate kid." Mavis informed her as Max faked a move, making them all laugh.

"He's so hot, I bet he's a amazing kisser too." Max added in as Carrie nodded while El and Mavis shared a joking face scrunch while leaning into each other.

"Hey ugh, is Mike a good kisser?" Max asked Carrie, who burned red, causing Mavis to laugh and fall backwards on the bed as El followed her doing so.

"I don't know, he's my first boyfriend." Carrie said back to her as Max nodded.

"Ex-boyfriend." she corrected, ignoring Mavis's and El's giggling in the background after the fell off the bed.

"Hey don't worry about it, he'll come crawling back to you in no time. I guarantee you him and Lucas are like totally wallowing in self pity right now." Max explained to the girl as they laughed.

"You two are goofs." Mavis laughed as her and El got off the floor and on the bed again.

"Well we can't all be as perfect as you guys." Carrie explained as El gave a look.

"Not true, we argue." she said as Mavis's eyes widened with a quick nod.

"Oh yeah? About what?" Max asked her with a look of disbelief.

"She ate my egos once and we didn't talk for a week." El said as Mavis blew out a breath.

"Horrible week, I don't recommend." Mavis shook her head, causing the four to giggle once again.

"God, what I would give to see their stupid faces right now. I mean I bet their like sobbing or mopping around." Max explained as El gave a look, confusing them all.

"What?" Carrie asked her as Mavis slapped her forehead and fell off the bed again, knowing what she was planning on doing.


just casual elvis radiating endgame energy.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now