Thrash Out in Real Time

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Never overextend, darling.

There's only so far someone like you can go, and you've just about reached your limit.

You come and go as you please and get your heart broken over the simplest of things, along with having no spacial awareness of anyone else.

You are not a protagonist, child.

You hurt, and you hurt others, and that's not what heroes do.

Your future is meant to pass by lonely and slow, always second guessing every choice- every minor decision you ever make- until anxiety finally wins you over.

You are only capable of pain, love.

It's what you're good at, whether inflicting it upon others or injecting it straight into your own bloodstream.

Courtesy only ignores so many flaws; no insurance could cover your imperfections.

You've gone too long without doubts, honey.

It's not like you, so go back to being my good little girl.

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