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I'm a stranger in my own house.

I'm just not welcome here anymore.

I don't know why.

It seems like they pull away from me as if I'm stricken with leprosy.


The sun sets at my window;

Its light dims darker and darker...

I'm fading fast.

What's the point of being here if no one cares either way?

At this point,

I hate crying so much I'd shoot myself just to stop.

It's so miserable and melodramatic,

But I can't stop myself.

I am worthless.


I'm beyond worthless.

I find myself so despicable that I am disgusted by my own reflection.

Do you know what that's like?

To look in the mirror and think you don't deserve to breathe another second more?

I despise myself.

I am not worthy of the world,

Yet I yearn for it.

No one bothers to ask me why I'm like this.

I don't blame them because I don't think I could give an answer anyway.

I'm simply nothing.

I'm not worthy of any amount of time or energy or spoken word or thought or breath or consideration.

That's all.

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