A Minute Fast, Half-Past

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I really just don't know what words can come close to explaining how I'm feeling,

Or what I've been through,

Or how desperately I wish I could change myself and this world and keep that unfaltering smile on my face to be a sun for those lost in the dark places I know too much about.

I am nothing but a broken clock that is right twice a day.

I am only genuinely okay rarely.

Very, very rarely.

And I can't let anyone see that because I'm just lost myself.

I only try to make it okay for anyone I can.

I am not the same person inside that I display to the world.

I really never can be.

I'll never care about anything for very long unless it piques my interest,

And even then it's short-lived.

I'm selfish and humble, sad and the giddiest person all at once,

And you'll never know it.

I'll never show anyone how ugly I am inside,

And it tears me apart and patches me back together simultaneously.

I'm simply a broken clock.

I'm no one,

And I can't keep writing these pitiful, selfish things that no one cares to see.

words written downWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt