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The months grow colder now.

My outlook on reality has taken a turn for the worse.

Winter is well on its way,

And, yes, I know there's nothing I can do.

Did it always feel this way?

Did the director argue for a change in the script?

I don't know.

It feels different.

I feel like... I'm getting older.

My friends,

Well, they find others,

And they leave.

They drift away like the last vibrant traces of color in autumn.

It happens to everyone.

I suppose I just didn't think it would happen to me.

I always knew that happiness is temporary,

But these damn tears that won't stop falling on this page remind me that what's happening is real.

It's so hard to say goodbye.

Yes, we've fallen apart like the petals of a hyacinth in the spring turning into summer,

But do you know how much you mean to me?

Don't leave.

Did the playwright of this life decide that it was time for a change in my script?

I don't want to see you go,

But please know that if you have to,

I'll always be right here when you need me.

I'll always be here for you.

The second I saw the beautiful person you were on the inside was the second I made that commitment to you.

I'll always be loyal.

Our lives may have bloomed differently like wild flowers,

But know that you're the same person to me.

There's been a change or two in both of us,

And no matter how many seasons pass,

Look at this and know that this promise will never change.

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