Under Construction

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I'd say that I'm humbling myself enough to ask for help.
But I'm not a liar.
All I'm doing is jotting every aberrant thought that flits through my head down.
Translating, maneuvering my way through an enigma of cluttered, bottled up emotions.

Too long I've been holding myself back.
So my mental process is under construction.
Redesigning the effect I have on others,
I engineer it into fear.

Here's the darkest version of myself,
Here's my Hyde.
Welcome one and all,
Keep both hands and feet inside the car at all times.

Now you must understand,
This is but a prototype.
Undergoing testing.
And yet I feel something great is in the works.

Under construction,
My subconscious easily plays tricks on me.
Right and wrong are so helplessly under the influence of psychoactive vertigo.
And nightmares morph into dreams.

My world tipped upside down,
Subjected to the altered version of gravity.
You'll begin to see things differently too.
Shut up and enjoy the ride.

This is the monster underneath everyone's been dying to see?
I said to keep both hands and feet inside the car at all times.
Thank you and please.
You'll begin to see what I see.

Under construction,
Don't bother sorting between differences.
Everyone's insane here.
No one's okay here.

Living in a world turned upside down,
Where it's all only in your head.
While under construction,
You now see what I see.

words written downNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ