Words Written Down

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The cycle is never broken.

I know I'm dying inside.

No one's okay here.

On and on the story goes, never having a beginning or an end.

I'll rot you down to your core, and I'll leave nothing left.

If you've felt so much pain, do you eventually become adapted to the feeling?

I can't find strength.

Believe yourself to be extraordinary, and you will be.

I let you shatter me again.

It hurts to be reminded of the happiness I used to associate you with.

... The last thing I see is a smile.

Someone I love is in pain.

I've revolved around to the beginning.

... Throwing my soul into my writing doesn't hardly help anymore.

I'm alone again as I tremble above the busy world.

It's hard to the see the bad in you when first I saw the good.

People aren't strong enough to change.

I notice things about her features.

It's easy to get lost in a story when it's one you wish you had yourself.

I remember you.

You don't feel connected to anything or anyone around you. You haven't in a very long time.

That's all it takes to understand...

Her only problem was that she couldn't write her future.

Why do we judge physical attraction?

... It's drowning me.

I never live up to standards.

Dream a dream that inspires the mind...

Pretending is the easiest way to escape.

I'm not well.

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