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I guess I'm abandoned.

I gave everything I was willing to give.
So that's the end.
That's fine with me.

If he doesn't answer me,
That isn't my problem.
It's his.

Because I'm sure I'm the only one who knows he's missing out.
But that's sad... Isn't it?
Is that what pushed people away?

Am I what pushes people away?
What do I even do?
How am I supposed to deal?

I can't find someone I loved as much as him.
It's so hard.
And yet... All I ask from him is he read what I wrote him.

And he does.
And he knows how I feel.
And he knows what I want.

He doesn't care.
Why do I?
It's so hard loving him.

I don't even care anymore.
His former personality is the one I've grown to love.
I'm not familiar with his current one.

I've sent him my peace.

Why doesn't he take it and let me be?
My heart can't go on forever.
It isn't made of stone.

I loved you.
I loved you.
I still love you.

It's hard to see the bad in you when first I saw the good.
It's hard to see the ugly when all I saw was the pure.
Everyone has their intention.

I hope he knows mine is whole.
Maybe he does.
Maybe he doesn't care.

Just like he never has.
Just like he never will.
My heart is still gone.

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