"We have to do it somewhere they don't know this time."

"Yeah somewhere far away."

"Please be careful with them," Mavis called out as Hopper brought Will and Carrie to the car, knowing they had to get them far away to burn it out.

"I'll be back," El said as she went to hug Mavis before the shorter girl stopped her.

"Back? No, I'm going with you." she shook her head as El gave her a look.

"Mav-" she began but was cut off by Mavis grabbing the sides of her face to kiss her.

"Yes!" Lucas and Max slightly cheered in the background, high-fiving each other as they watched the two pull apart.

"I just got you back, I'm not gonna leave you again. I'm going." Mavis said to her as El grinned but shook her head once more.

"You're still weak," El said to her as Mavis nodded her head.

"Which is why I'll stay in the car, and you'll check in with me every two minutes on the walkie," Mavis said as El sighed but grinned as Lucas approached them, El walked to Mike to hug him goodbye quickly.

"Be careful please." the boy said as he wrapped his best friend in a hug.

"I will, don't do anything stupid while I'm not here," Mavis said, holding onto him tighter.

"Can't make any promises but I'll try." he laughed slightly.

"Come back soon," Max said while hugging her, Dustin next.

"Mav," El called out as the girl hurried over, being stopped by Mike quickly.

"This isn't a good idea, you should just stay here where we can protect you." Mike shook his head as Mavis laughed slightly and hugged him.

"Other way around Wheeler, I'll be back. Both of us will be, I promise," she said while squeezing him again before jumping into Hopper's truck, smiling as she saw the two holding hands as if they just had a serious conversation.

"Family talk without me? I'm hurt." Mavis said with a fake pout, making El grin.

"Get in the truck smart ass," Hopper said with a wide grin as Mavis jumped in and was quickly under El's arm in no time.

"Hey, you be careful in there. Don't forget to check-in, every two minutes." Mavis said as she handed El the walkie-talkie.

"I promise," El said as the two hugged.

"Watch out for her, Hop," Mavis said as Hopper nodded knowingly before the two walked into the building. Mavis watched worried as she saw them enter slowly and disappear into the building. El did cheek in every two minutes as she said, but that didn't worry Mavis any less.

After a few minutes, Mavis felt an odd tug on the earth. Like something had hit them with a hard wind. She quickly grabbed the walkie, scared out of her mind.

"El! El! Are you okay? El pick up!" she shouted as it was only static.

"We're okay kid, we're on our way out," Hopper said as Mavis looked up, seeing Hopper walking out with El in his arms. She jumped out of the truck.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя