⚠️kick off - taekook

Start from the beginning

"i'm park jimin, i'm eighteen, i play striker and i am unsettlingly flexible." he said with a suggestive wink, earning some laughs. he just smiled and walked back to his place in the circle.

a boy with bright red hair walked up and smiled brightly. "hi! i'm jung hoseok, i'm nineteen, i play in goals and i...have nice teeth?" he said awkwardly, tilting his head slightly - he smiled again. he did have nice teeth.

a boy with vibrant, mint coloured hair was then pushed into the centre as he put his middle finger up at hoseok, earning a stern "yoongi" from the coach.

"i'm min yoongi, i'm nineteen, i play defence and i-"

"look like a cat!"
"am in love with hoseok!"
"am gay!"

the coach held back his laugher as yoongi's face went bright red. "uh yeah, all of that." he admitted shyly - jungkook smiled, there were more gay football players?

the introduction went on for another twenty minutes until it came to the final boy - he looked older than them all and wasn't dressed to play, jungkook tilted his head in confusion.

"i'm seokjin, i'm twenty and i'm not a player - but the doctor/physio. but since i'm young and cool i get to hang around with you guys." he said, giving jungkook finger guns and embarrassing the rest of the team. "he's also the coaches son, the only reason he's not been fired for getting with nam-"

"right, your turn jungkook." the coach quickly interrupted - jungkook gulped and stepped forward. "i'm jeon jungkook, i'm seventeen, i play central attacking midfielder and i.."

he was cut off by a slim boy with bright blue hair sprinting towards them, he threw his bag on the floor and ran up to the coach. "coach kim, i'm so sorry - my mum's new boyfriend wouldn't drive me here..." he said, breathlessly "so i had to run." he finished, collapsing to the floor and still gasping for air.

"it's alright taehyung, don't worry about it - we were just introducing ourselves to the new player." he smiled, pointing in jungkook's direction - he shyly smiled and taehyung waved.

"i'm kim taehyung, i'm eighteen and...what do i say?" he asked sheepishly, turning to look at his teammates.

"position and a fact about yourself, dumbass." said hyunjin, one of the midfielders.

"okay okay, jeez. i play right wing and i have more stepdads than this team has players." he said proudly, the whole team laughed and pushed taehyung - he defended himself by saying "what?! it's a fact!"

jungkook just giggled slightly, taehyung's face softened. i think i'm gonna like him. he thought - he continued to daydream until his thoughts were interrupted by jin shouting "heads up!"


jungkook fit in well with his new team - the boys all loved him and he was able to keep up with their matches and training.

as he became closer with the other players, he started to understand them all a lot better - and turns out that none of them are short on gossip. apparently, namjoon and jin have been dating for four years and hoseok and yoongi for five.

he truly felt like he fit in there - with all the boys, but six in particular were now his best friends.

they were preparing for the upcoming south korean cup semi final. the training sessions were still fun, but a lot more intense and stressful.

in the seven months that jungkook was on the team, he'd become drawn to taehyung, and by drawn he meant that they had been dating for almost all that time.

the pair were inseparable and the whole football team was jealous of the couple's prefect relationship.

one night after a particularly challenging training session, jungkook's mum was dropping her son's boyfriend off at his house - to save the teenager from walking on his already sore legs. his mother wasn't just supportive, she was over the moon that her son had settled down and found someone he truly loved.

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