Chapter 55: On The Move

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(Well I apologize for the random hiatus I was very busy with my duties and also due to the COVID 19 and the lockdown, I'm very busy. Much apologies!)

The opening of the restaurant was set to open in a week from now. Until then, Misomi stayed at home to improve her cooking with the guidance of her mother.

Also, various flyers was put up and shared around the Nobles district. Information on the opening of a new restaurant, name, and location. Everything were written on the flyers.

It soon will reach the ears of every food lover in the kingdom.

As well as those that seek to ruin it before it could even gain popularity.


Inside the meeting room of Fortuneprise, the boss of the company, Harold, is currently having a meeting. The main topic of it is undoubtedly the opening of the new merchant company, Guardian. And adding on, as well as his former son, Eric.

"What information do we have about Guardian?" <Harold>

"We don't have much information, Boss. But 2 things that we know, are that Eric founded the company. How, ee have no idea. Second, the potions sold by his company are legit. To the point that it can cure anything. Just like an omnipotent healing potion."

"Omnipotent, huh?" <Harold>

Harold thought to himself. Wheb he heard that word, it reminded him of the Obnova flower.

No way that can be!

Harold refused to believe that. He knew that even getting one was close to impossible. No way that he had more. Harold had bought one at an imaginable price. If there's a lot of them, he would buy them. Just so that he can monopolise them. But, he only has one. And he kept it locked and hidden.

Harold decided to forget about him. Remembering the last time he messed with him, he got shut down. Harold wouldn't want to risk it again.

"So? Is that really all the information we have?" <Harold>

Suddenly someone stood up. He had an energetic and happy face.

"I've got a good one, Boss!"

Harold looked at him, signalling him to spill it.

"Eric has a supplier for those potions of his."

"A supplier? Who is it? Who could make such potions?" <Harold>

"I don't know who it is but I know that they are going to meet with them outside of the kingdom. Moreover, he is working with Albert Acsperi who is creating those potions. You should know him, Boss."

"That guy? Impossible! He's just a failure! There's no way he could make such incredible potions! You must heard it wrong." <Harold>

"It's true, Boss! That guy made them. I heard Eric and him talking and discussing about their next potion. They then talk about getting more Obnova flowers from their supplier."

"And where did you hear them talk?" <Harold>

"While I was strolling around their shop, I walked past a room. Then I heard them talking about it. It was probably the meeting room."

"Did anyone see you?" <Harold>

"Not really. Except for one. It was a girl that worked there. But all she did was telling me to leave the area as it was
Unauthorised area."

"Do you think she knows anything? Maybe in regards to the supplier and the methods?" <Harold>

"I don't think so. She seems ordinary. I doubt she knows anything. She probably was hired to help around only."

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