Chapter 45:

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"Before I go, I have something to ask you. Is there anyone in your company or household, that you expelled?" <Shin>

"Huh?" <Harold Bastorn>

Harold don't know how to reply.

"Why are you asking me that? Of course I have. Maids, butlers, servants, employees. There's numerous people that I had expelled due to their incompetence." <Harold Bastorn>

Shin find that answer too vague. He needed an answer more precise.

"What about someone from your family?" <Shin>

There was someone like that, that Harold had recently expelled. But he didn't want to say it. However, the look Shin gave him shows that he's demanding an honest answer.

"Yes, there was. It's my son, Eric." <Harold Bastorn>

Eric? So that's his name.

Once Shin heard him, Harold was wondering why he wanted to know such information.

"Why do you wanna know? If you're looking to find him, don't bother. He's a useless thing." <Harold Bastorn>

"Why do you say that? And why did you banished him? He's your son, don't you care for him?" <Shin>

"Care? Hah! He's no longer my son! Why would I want a useless thing be my son? I thought he would takeover the company when he grew up, but it turns out he's hopeless. Up till the age of 12, he had shown great potential in marketing. But somehow when he's put into an actual situation, he will always mess up and end in failure. No matter how simple the job was, he ends up failing. After that, I went and banish him! " <Harold Bastorn>

What Shin heard was very interesting to him. It seems abnormal that such thing could happen to him. There must be something going on with his son.

"Do you know why he's like that?" <Shin>

"Why would I care? If he can't do it, then why care. I can't even be bothered to spend money on him for a checkup since he's already invalid. Whatever happened to him, or wherever he is now, is non of my business." <Harold Bastorn>

What a despicable father... To do that to his son, rotten human being...

"Alright, I'm done here. Let's go Iris." <Shin>

Shin stood up from the sofa, grabbed onto Iris's hand and walked out of the room. Stronzo was still laying unconscious outside.


"Ahh... It's been awhile since I came here." <???>

This person that just entered the Capital of La-Viena, is none other than Adolf.

"Alright! Time to look for that guy! But... Where should I start?" <Adolf>

Though Adolf knows that that person is in the capital, he doesn't know exactly where he is.

"It's natural that I start with the adventurers guild, right? I mean he should be an adventurer." <Adolf>

Adolf decided to head to the adventurers guild first. Since he's been here before, he knows where it is. The last time he came here was for infiltration and information gathering for his master. Now, he had a different task to accomplish. His master had told him to find Shin, and try to form an alliance with him.

Of course Adolf rejected such idea. He thinks that Shin is a dangerous person. Having faced him in battle, he knows how strong he is. Even more due to the fact that Shin wasn't even going serious at him, despite having to use his secret skill.

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