forty two

391 16 1

As soon as I replied to Kun's text, I went grocery shopping for food, and spent the rest of the day cooking and preparing.
I guess this burst of energy is just me excited seeing the boys again. Kun kept me updated through text;

Hey ames! We've settled at the dorms now. Can we come over?

I'm glad you traveled safely! Hurry up or the food will get cold haha

Oh right! I'm starving 🍖🍖


I did a few fixing up in the flat, making sure everything was neat and tidy. All the food was on the table already. Now, I only had to wait for them.
I also just realized, its about to be their first time visiting my place, besides Winwin and Kunhang. And that fact made me even more excited.


I heard knocking on my door while I was fixing my room, wondering if it was them; and I sprinted across as soon as the thought crossed my mind.

"Oi, Amie! Let us in!", I hear a familiar, loud deep voice from the other side.
"Be quiet! Neighbours exist, you know!", I hear another familiar voice.
I chuckle quietly as I reached for the doorknob and looked through the peephole.
I got greeted by a bright smiley face, I believe belongs to a precious being called Yangyang.
'Well look who it is.', I thought as I opened the door.

And as soon as that, I thought my ears were about to explode by the amount of excessive shouting as all seven of them gathered and gave a group hug.
"AAAAAAAAAAAA", was literally all that was ringing in my ears, the most prominent voice was Xuxi's.
Not a surprise, there.

"YOU GUYS!!", I belted, not expecting them to do that.
"We missed you, noona!", Yangyang exclaimed, jumping up and down.
Ten spread his arms and tried to carry me;
"What is this?!", I struggle to say from all the laughter.
We settled down a little while I saw Kun carrying a plastic bag with him.

"Kun, what do you have in there?", I asked in curiosity.
"It's for you! Add this to your plant collection near your coffee table.", he explained with his signature grin.

"Thank you! What is it?", I continuously said while unwrapping the bag.
"Aww, it's a cactus!", I chuckled at the small petite structure of it, it had small white flowers around.
"It's so pretty!", I added as I took the little guy out.

"It was Hendery's idea--and he picked it out too.", Ten whispered.
He did?
I looked over behind Winwin to see him hiding.

What is he doing being so shy all of a sudden?

I noticed how everyone else had a big smirk on their faces. Like they knew something.

"Hi. Yeah, I picked that out for you.", he softly spoke as he had one hand in his pocket and the other scratching behind his neck.
"Thank you.. It's really pretty.", I replied, grinning.
There was few seconds of awkward silence but Ten broke it off by exclaiming, "Nice place Amie! It's so cozy in here.", he complimented.

"Thanks!", I answered while putting the cactus on the small coffee table.
"Looks like our hard work was worth it.", Winwin said smiling, looking around the room.

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