thirty six

665 26 3

It's him.

Hi ames! Sorry, didn't see your text from earlier. Yeah, I really
couldn't sleep well last night.

Is that the case? That's alright.
I slept pretty late as well but I
guess I did miss your call. What's up?

Nothing much really, just wanted
to talk to you. But since it was so late, I didn't expect you would answer anyway.

Will you visit?

Today? Wasn't initially planning to.
But I'm at the mall right now,
bought some groceries and interior.
I'll buy you coffee?

That sounds great! Ten-hyung can't stop whining.....

Aww.. You should
come to my flat sometime,
I need help decorating!



I... Love you?? What does he me-



Is that so?? Well, I love you too!

Ahh, sorry that
was embarrassing. I'll go kill him later--
Sorry, what I meant to say was; Sure!
We'll come to your place soon enough.

That's great to know! See u-


Of course Kunhang wouldn't say that seriously. Why would I think that?

As soon as I finished my frappe I wasted no time to get home.
I was in the cab and it was extremely silent. It started raining soon and all that was heard was the gentle taps of the raindrops outside my window as we drove by all these trees and buildings. I decided to go on my phone again.. Maybe just reread my messages?

Contacts: Most Recent

Love you?

I'd never thought I would encounter these words from anyone else except Mom.
What does he mean by that?

"Don't be silly, Amie! So stupid! He said it was Ten. Stop overreacting so much.", I thought to myself.
I didn't want to feel this way, this heavy air around and I can't breathe.
I just couldn't accept it.
There's a lot I still don't understand, I see.
Even a simple phrase can mean loads of things.

I couldn't help but think about those three peculiar words during the whole trip.


"Thank you very much!", I bid the driver goodbye as I got out the car.
"You sure you can carry all of those?"  he asked concerned.
"I'm okay thank you!", I kindly informed.
"Alright.", his last words as he drove away.

I took two flights of stairs to my door.
'Okay, just put these out and I'll head on my way.', I thought to myself, grabbing my keys.
I decided to get a thick hoodie from my closet, noticing the rain was pouring harder now.
'Shall I just walk from here?'
'It isn't that far...', I thought making my mind if I should make a run for it.

saccharine • wong hendery ✔️Where stories live. Discover now