twenty three

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We were back at SM, and Ten came in the room. "Hey Amie."
"Hi!", "Remember when we went out to have a meeting? We actually wanted to make another series for our fans so they could know us better. It's called Rainbow V! We're documenting for the next episode so you want to come see us?"

"Yeah! Sounds awesome."
We went in the dance room where Winwin and Ten were practicing.
"So what are you guys working on?"
"We're doing sort of a modern dance, but with more elegance.", Ten explained.

"Let me see! Let me see!", I cheerfully said as I sat down on the floor.

Then the music started playing on the speakers. I recognized it!
Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid.

'They're using a Billie song!!'

They danced what they came up with so far, and it's probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Ten danced so gracefully, his body movements so smooth and easy.
Sicheng complimented him well, with very refined motion; you can really feel the story he's telling through the emotions in his dance.

I was very intrigued, and shocked at the same time by how much they've improved their dance. These two are truly talented.

'Isn't it lovely? All alone, heart made of glass; my mind of stone. Tear me to pieces, skin to bone. Hello, welcome home.'

The song stopped midway, and they both got up.
I clapped my hands in total amusement. "GUYS THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!"

Sicheng gave me a slight chuckle.
"Glad you liked it!", Ten exclaimed.
"You two improved a lot! I'm so proud of you.", I said as I stood up and hugged them.
"Love you, Ames.", Sicheng said as he hugged back tightly.

"I'm so happy and relieved you're back in our arms again, Amie. Don't leave anymore, okay?", Ten gently said, in the midst of a warm hug.

"Not again, Chittaphon.", I replied, with tears piling up in my eyes.

We pulled away as Sicheng put his hand on my shoulder, and we all looked at each other fondly.

"Don't cry anymore, Amie.", he comforted as he wiped my cheeks.

What I felt was that fuzzy, reminiscent kind of emotion. I can't exactly describe it, but all those memories years ago, like how we motivate each other after every rookies show. It felt warm, welcoming, and somehow it made me vulnerable.


After a while of hanging out with the two, continuing to help them produce more of their dance, Xiaojun came in.

"Hey! How's your progress?", he asked.
"It's actually going well. How's your duet?", Ten asked back.
"We're working on it but so far it's good."

"You're doing a duet?", I asked Xiaojun.
"Yep. I'm doing one with Kun."
"Can I hear it?", I asked excitedly.
"Sure! Come with me."
I looked over at Winwin and Ten for their permission and they nodded.
"Go check on them too, Ames.", Ten said.

I walked along with Xiaojun to a different dance room where him and Kun were practicing their song.

"What kind of song have you prepared?", I asked in curiosity.
"Well, it's a Chinese song. We're incorporating some guitar and maybe even piano in there."

We went in the room and I saw Kun there, on the keyboard.
"Hi Eun Jeung! What brings you here?"
"I want to hear your duet!", I replied cheerfully as Xiaojun got his guitar.

"Well, this is what we have so far."

Xiaojun began to strum his guitar, glancing on his phone for a guide. Kun started singing softly in Chinese and Xiaojun soon followed. Their voices really matched well and it was really soothing to hear.

They suddenly paused.
"And that's all we really practiced.", a grinning Kun said, shyly. "That was really good!! Xiaojun, playing guitar compliments you well!"
"Ohh, thank you!", he replied fondly.
"Your voice improved so much.", I said to Kun.
"Thanks!", he replied ecstatically.


yeSSss I love this so much and if you haven't noticed; I based this off of the actual Rainbow V series on their YouTube channel!

Please vote and comment what you think! I hope you're enjoying the story so far and again thanks for the support! 🌻🌻

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