thirty seven

660 17 4

"Do you.. want to go out sometime?"

He asked me that question.
A question I honestly, never been asked before.

"Are you kidding? Yes!", I answered with excitement.
I felt a sudden jolt of happiness I didn't expect.

"Wait, really?!", he asked in disbelief, shaking his head.
He didn't reply after that but kept eye contact. He sighed softly, and a few seconds of silence followed.

In that moment, I somehow felt cozy in his company. There was genuine happiness in both of us. Could this be a start of something new?

I've never felt this type of happiness at all. It's hard to explain but I knew Kunhang felt it too.

"You don't know how much courage I had to gather up to ask you that.", he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
"Aw, well you shouldn't be scared next time okay? I'm not really the type to reject people like that. I'll always make time for you guys.", I reassured him.

"Really? Well that's relieving for me especially..", he joked.
"Why, you plan on taking me on more dates?", I teased.

"I mean I wouldn't call them 'dates' necessarily, just wanna hang out--", he answered; flustered.

"Well anytime you feel like 'hanging out' you know I'll always say yes.", I smiled.
He grinned at himself, covering his mouth as if he had a shocked expression.

"Umm, by the way I want to give you this.", he stumbled on his words, but handed me a picture.
"What's this?", I wondered as I received it.
"I developed our.. Um- picture together when we went to the park.. Do you remember?", he stuttered but a big grin slowly crawled on to his face.

"Oh my god! Yes!! I didn't expect you to actually-"
"I printed all of our pictures; even with the other members. I thought it would be a nice little surprise.", he said as he pulled out even more pictures I recalled taking.

"Aww", my heart melted as I scanned through all of them.
"They're all yours! Don't worry, I saved a lot more for the others."
"Thank you so much, Kunhang. I'm treasuring these forever. I'll drape them across my room!", I exclaimed.

"Do you like it?", he asked fondly.
"I love it so much! Thank you.", I replied.
"You're welcome!"

"Also, I'm sorry for sending that text. Ten-hyung always tends to grab my phone all of a sudden sometimes and mess around.", he went on.
"He does that to me too! He just loves to annoy the hell out of people. Always does it intentionally. Especially to Kun.", I snorted.
"He's similar to a cat, don't you think?", he wondered.
"You're right! He acts like one."

After having a few laughs, it went silent again.
I debated whether I should ask him about it or what--
I mean, the thought just won't leave my head...

Screw it all.

"Kunhang?", I began as I finally gained the courage to ask him.
"Yeah?", he looked up at me.
"That text.. Uh; if you were the one who sent that.. Would you mean it?", I asked.

Why would you say that stupid question, Amie?! You idiot! You goddamn idiot!

He looked at me; puzzled at first. That's when I started to really regret what I just said. But he took a deep breath and his face lit up.
He reached for my hand and continued to say,

"Hey you two, what shall we have for dinner?", Yangyang innocently asked; an excited tone in his voice.

"Oh umm, well", Hendery stumbled with his words as he moved back; struggling to focus on Yang's question.
"I'll have whatever Ten's having!", I tried answering joyfully; turning to him.

"Bet you guys can't take the spicy noodles they ordered downstairs! Trust me, even our staff has tried it before and it-", Lucas continues to tell his story.

I felt myself slowly drifting away from my sense of thought: and everything felt like slow motion, and I don't really know why.

I glanced over at Kunhang, who was looking away with his head down.
"How about you hyung? You want to try those spicy noodles Lucas was talking about? We thought up of a challenge of who can eat the most!", Yangyang beamed with a happy expression.

"Sure, sure of course!", he replied fondly.
He looked a bit uneasy so I spoke;
"Never mind, Hendery. We should go down for dinner?", I assured him as I tapped his shoulder.
"Yeah.", he chuckled.


'Amie, trust me I had my answer to that question. If only you knew just how much. How much..', I thought to myself, feeling just a little bit incomplete.


Three hours later


I had dinner with the boys that night at SM, and I sure did have a great time that I didn't notice the time. It was really late and I had to rush to get home.

I came back to my flat groggy and tired. My legs hurt since I just missed the last bus stop that day and walked home. Thank god it didn't rain again.
Physically; I kind of died today but then again I remembered all the things he said.

Before I went to sleep, I decided to text him.

Hey Kunhang! Thanks for inviting
me over today, it was super fun.

Oh no problem! You really made supper
much happier this time!

Aw.. It was worth almost breaking my legs for. 😂

What do you mean? Did you make it
home safely?

Yep! But I just missed the bus so I
had to walk home. Don't
worry though, it really wasn't
that far.

Oh no! At least you made it
there safely and that's what
matters. Sleep right away after this, K?

Yes, I will! Anyways, are you
planning to come over soon
or what?

Yep I definitely will! I'll ask Ten-hyung
if he's not busy. Or really any other
of the boys. I don't have much to do
this Sunday. Is that okay?

Sounds great! 😄

Nice! It's getting late, we both need
rest. But it looks like the others
aren't too tired yet-

Why? I bet they're acting all
chaotic over there?

You bet!

Good luck managing that!!!

Geez, to Kun-hyung that is
a big understatement.


Good night, Hendery.

Night, ames 🐶🐶



'I    love    you'



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