thirty five

677 18 0

That night..

I opened up the door and switched the lights to the cold yet dull room that I owned.
"We still have a lot to improve on, old friend.", I said as I dropped to the couch.
I sighed and closed my eyes for a while.
Today was unexpectedly emotional.

I took off my sling bag and shoes and went in my room to change.
With the AC turned on, I decided to check my emails.

It was mom.
It read

Hi sweetie. It's been a while since you left. Things are getting a bit lonely here but your friends from the shop always come and visit. Sometimes they even bring me gifts!
I've decided to find a new job that pays better and it turned out to be a good decision after all. Your friends convinced me. I miss you so much.
Much love,
Mom. ❤

I didn't realize the huge grin on my face after I read her email. I've been chatting with Doyoon a lot lately, but I didn't know I didn't message mom enough.
I'm so happy she finally got a better job too, she's much happier I assume.
I replied;

Hey mom, I got your email. That's great! I hope you're happier in your new job. Tell Yeseul and Doyoon thank you for keeping you company. I'll bring you loads of gifts from Seoul once I visit. I'll come home real soon. Wait for me mom! I love you.

After I pressed send, I closed my laptop and got ready for bed. I grabbed my journal and wrote some lists on things I need to buy for tomorrow. I also jotted down some thoughts I had in my head.

I didn't realize it but I slept while writing on my notebook, again.

I opened my eyes to me still holding on to my pen and my journal beside my pillow.
"Again?", I lazily stated to myself in a rough morning voice.
I checked my phone to see what time it was. '9:36'

My notifications said I had one miscall from Hendery? At 1 AM?! I wonder what he wanted to say to me so late.
I slowly rose from my bed and took a quick shower.

After cooking myself some pancakes I heard a knock on my door. Who could that be?
I heard another knock and I hurried to the front.
"Coming!", I exclaimed as I turned the knob to see who it was.

It was a woman slightly shorter than me, short black hair with heavy makeup and a big grin on her face. She was very pretty.

She was holding what seemed to be a box of biscuits and some sweet mango pie.
"Good morning! I'm sorry to disturb you early in the morning but I just wanted to give you this. I'm the owner of the apartment and I heard you're Seoyoon's daughter?", she said in her very polite and soft voice as she showed me her I.D.

The landlord? Ohh, she's my mom's friend! I remember. I can't believe that left my mind.

"Oh good morning! And yes, I am her daughter..?", I replied kindly with a confused tone at the end.
"I'm sorry, you might be really confused. Your mom told me you were back here in Seoul and requested you stay here, and of course I said yes. I decided to bring you this!", she explained happily.

"Wow, thank you m'am! You're too kind..", I responded as I got the boxes of goodies.
"It's the least I can do, after all your mother was such a nice friend. I sure do miss her.", she added.

saccharine • wong hendery ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora