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"Mom?! I need to talk to you about something!", I boomed as I zoomed downstairs to the kitchen table.
"Umm, good morning to you too, Amie.. What's up, sweetheart?", she says as she puts the plates down and sits beside me.

"Okay but, I think it's too good to be true.. Look."

I showed her the email.
"Is that, Ten, dear?!"
"Yes, it is!! He messaged me four hours ago. I just saw it this morning and-
He wants me to go to their debut party.. Mom, I think I'm about to cry."
"Oh, Amie. I knew he missed you. Go.", she said as she hugged me.
"What did you say?"
I was just in pure disbelief.
"You can go, Amie."

"OH MOM!! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!", I said, at the verge of tears.
"I love you too, my Amie-cakes. I know seeing your friends again would mean the world to you. I'll drive you to SM, if you'd like. After all these years, I still remember the routes."

"Really?? Isn't Seoul like, 2 hours away?"
"Yes, but I've been driving in and out of Seoul all the time. And I know the SM building from the back of my hand. I always remember driving you there every weekend. Good times."

"You're the best, mom."
"As long as you're happy, sweetie. Dad would be proud too."

'Dad would be proud too.'
Those words cut deep in me.

"You're right, I love you, Mom."


I went back upstairs in my room and checked my email.
Notifications: 'One new email from: chittaphons.ten1996'

Oh my god, he replied.

I opened it almost instantly.

From: @ chittaphons.ten1996
Addressed to: @

It is. Do I have to prove it? Remember when we got bingsu that day at the rookies show? We had to run all the way back to get back our change! Or when lucas broke your mother's vase? I remember her being so angry. Or the way I talked to you always and we would hang out after practice? Or when we met Chanyeol for the first time and you slipped in front of him?? Hahahaha I miss those times. But I want to know, why you don't talk to me? -Ten

Because I was scared...

I read his reply and I didn't even notice the warm stream of tears on my cheeks. Yes, Ten. I remember those times. I embarrassed myself all the time with our older trainees! But it was all worth it because you were always there with me.

I couldn't even function anymore. All those memories just came flashing back in my head. I miss being an SM trainee. With you guys.
I could feel my hands trembling. As if my body has been fully paralyzed.

Yes, I do remember those days. I miss being with you guys, I really do. Every single day, I think of all of you. Thinking how your day has been going. I always listen to your songs, I always support you guys! I was just scared you wouldn't remember  me anymore, or you wouldn't want to talk to me because I had to move away. But I'm so proud of you, Ten. You made it. Even without me.


Why would we ever forget about you??? We think about you all the time too! We miss you! I miss you! You're my best friend you know. And I'm not mad at you, I never was. I was just young back then. I didn't know how to respond to things like this before. But we're adults now. And I know I could've done something too but, I was scared as well. Please come to the party, amie. We could also have a special reunion. It'll be great!

He was scared too? I can't believe it. Doyoon and mom were right. He misses me too. They miss me too. They were never mad at me?


Oh my god, Ten. All these years I felt so guilty. I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me. Let's meet soon, okay? I miss you, chittaphon!!!


I miss you too, Amie!!! Let's meet together soon! I have my other members for you to meet! You'll love them!!!

Other members?
The rookies, does he mean? Oh my god.

I'm not even sad or surprised at this point. I'm excited!

-Flashback to Doyoon's line at the coffee shop-
"If you were really meant to be together, life will find a way."


YASSSSS TEN AND AMIE FINALLY INTERACTED AFTER SUCH A LONG TIME!! It's gonna be a ride so fasten your seatbelts. 'Other members', Ten says?? HmMmmmmMMMMmmm

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