thirty two

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"-really all you have to do is be yourself, you know?", Xiaojun stated to me after expressing his idea.
I gave him quite an unsure look.

"No, really. I know we all hear this a lot but just be you whenever you're with her and she'll learn to appreciate your true self.", he firmly explained.
"Okay...", I whined.
He chuckled at my response.


It was getting late, the sun has pretty much set and the place left this certain ambience. It felt peaceful and tranquil.
Like you could just take a deep, fresh breath and you're left pondering.

The sky was clear, with a deep blue shade. The park started to open their shining lights on the booths and the rides. It looked really fun and pleasing to look at.

Xiaojun was still at the booths so I walked alone to our table where Kun was sitting. The other boys were busy exploring and making the most of our trip here.

"Hi hyung.", I greeted Kun who was on his phone.
"Hello. Why are you alone? Wasn't Xiaojun with you?", he asked, continuously scrolling and glancing at me.
"Yeah he was. He said I could go ahead. He's by the booths still probably... Um. Buying something.", I slightly stuttered.

"Oh okay."

"Is Amie with the others?", I asked, noticing she isn't here anymore.
"Oh, I'm actually not sure.. I didn't see her leave with them.", he replied, quickly raising his head as he realized.

"And why are you looking for her again?", he teased with that grin of his.
"Nothing. Just wondering where everyone is..", I tried to shrug off, looking the opposite way as I answered him.
"You two are so attached.", he giggled, shaking his head.

Oh, are we now?

I was deciding quickly if I should tell him. I mean Kun-hyung is probably the most understanding of all of us. I think I should just-

"Hyung, I have something to tell you.", I sighed.
"Yes?", he turned back to me.
"And yes, it's something about-", I paused, my voice shaky.

"About?", he anticipated.
I took a few breaths to calm myself down and that led to some seconds of silence.

Yeah, I'm telling him. No turning back now.
I regained more confidence and finally I said;
"You know who.", I smiled looking at him.

"Who? Amie?", a wide grin crawling up his face again.
I just nodded as I sighed and tried to cover my face.
"Aahhhhh.. Wong Hendery!", Kun exclaimed so joyously.

"You're going to tease me so much, especially when Yangyang find out.", I stated.
"Wait, you haven't told anyone yet?!", he asked, still in that energetic, bright tone in his voice.
"Well, I told Xiaojun first. I mean, he suspected already so I just gave in.", I chuckled.
"Then he told Lucas and Winwin. Surprisingly, they've been so quiet about it. Especially Lucas-hyung."

"Really? Does Ten know?", he asked that dreaded question.
"Well... Not yet."
"Alright. Don't worry, the secret's safe with me. I won't be telling a single thing if you want.", he firmly assured.

"Thanks hyung but.. I'm actually planning to tell her tonight. I'm scared but Xiaojun really talked me through it. So whatever happens, I'll be ready for it.", I explained.
"I see. I wish you good luck on that. You two would make a great match, though.", he exclaimed.

I chuckled at what he said; completely flustered.
He giggled at my reaction.
"Ahh, stop. Seriously.", I laughed.

"You know what, I really have faith in you two.", he beamed.
"Woa, you think?"
"Sure. I mean, we'll never know unless you say what you feel to her. I think she'll accept you well.", he spoke out.
"Maybe...", I sighed.

"I think you should go look for her.", Kun suggested.
"It's getting a bit late."

"Yeah, I was planning to. If I find her, wish me luck.", I remarked as I stood up, pushing my chair back.
"You'll do good, Hendery.", he warmly said, smiling.
"Will you be okay alone though?"
"Don't worry, I've been here for a while now. Ten bought a souvenir with Winwin quickly. They'll be here sooner.", he assured.
I nodded in reply and started walking.


That, went surprisingly well? Better than I thought definitely.
Kun was really supportive, but I bet he'll tease me about it nonstop from now on.

But right now, the thought won't leave me.
I wonder where Amie could be?

I walked around for a while and kept alert if she was near. It was getting dark sooner than I thought.

I approached the docks, since the edge and last part of the park was the bay. As I walked nearer that salty smell of the water got stronger. I could see birds gliding across my head.

To my surprise, not too much people decided to hang out here. It was peaceful. The wind near the bay was colder too.

I turned my head slightly and I could see a girl alone with her arms entwined with the wooden fences of the dock. Her jet black hair flowing with the breeze.
"Amie?", I called out.
She turned and it was her.

The way her eyes lightened like that and a smile slowly creeping up on her face.
"Kunhang!", she beamed.


Hello everyone! I've cut this chapter a bit short, you might want to prepare yourselves for the next one; it'll be the moment we've been waiting for 😏
I just want to thank you for 2.5k reads! Everyday I get more and more reads and votes and the amount of support makes me really happy and it motivates me to write even more! Love you all 💟
How will Hendery and Amie's fate turn out? Stay tuned-

saccharine • wong hendery ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें