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So we bought ice cream, and sat in an empty table and reserved seats for the others. Ten decided to call them over. We had 4 racks for the ice cream, so it won't be a hassle to carry all eight.

I turned to Hendery already eating his vanilla cone. "You sure can't help yourself, can you?", I joked, laughing at his silliness.
He turned to me, nodding casually while continuing to eat up.

"Vanilla's my favorite flavor.", he started talking after nibbling some of the top part of the cone. "Definitely not obvious.", I replied, giggling.
He chuckled quietly too. "What's yours?", he asked innocently.
"Well, my personal favorite is chocolate. With the little choco chips inside. I usually pair it up with mint. It tastes really good!", I beamed.
"Mmm, you're right. I've tried that a couple times.", he replied fondly, still eating his ice cream. "Strawberry is also an honorable mention.", I added, turning dotingly.

He smiled and nodded in reply.
I reached for my cone too, which was chocolate flavor.
"I can see why chocolate is your favorite.", he said, grinning.
"Yeah! But they didn't have the chips in here.", I replied, taking my first bite.
"Woah, it's just as good though!", I exclaimed.
He laughed at my reaction.

If I say I'm not flustered by him I would be lying.

I turned the opposite way and stupidly smiled at myself, and the air started getting heavier.

Before I had the chance to internally scream, Ten came back with the boys and that completely distracted me from what I was feeling at the moment. Why?

Well, first of all Yangyang had a stick of rainbow colored cotton candy in one hand, and a neon yellow yo-yo on the other while him and Kun had colorful matching face paint.

Xiaojun meanwhile was carrying loads of bags, that seemed like chips and biscuits, and on his other arm two plastic bags with cotton candy.
Lucas had a cap on, which said the name of the park; he bought a souvenir.
Winwin also had a cap, but a lighter color for him along with a lollipop and a bag filled with all sorts of candy.
Ten seemed to also carry a few bags with the same goods too.

"Geez! How much stuff did you guys get?!", I asked them with a shocked tone.
But seriously though, how could you get that much goods in a small amount of time?
"We got a lifetime supply of desserts now! We found a big candy store at the end of all the booths, and at an incredibly cheap price! So we decided to buy a lot!", Yangyang explained cheerfully, sitting down beside Kunhang.

I looked over at him and he was just as surprised as I was. He had his jaw wide open, his vanilla cone starting to drip.

Yangyang noticed and assured, "Don't worry, Kun-hyung said we could."
"Oh.", I said, turning to Kun as he nodded in approval. "Let the kids get what they want for once.", he chuckled.

"Look how much food we got, Ames!", Ten exclaimed, putting the bags down.
"Are you sure this isn't too much?", Xiaojun asked.
"It'll last a long time, so we don't have to go out a lot anymore.", Kun replied.

"You got us ice cream, too?", Lucas asked excitedly, his eyes glued to the rack.
"Yeah. We lost a bet with Ten and now we spent our money on ice cream.", Hendery explained, still distracted by Yangyang.

I think he was a bit too distracted with his silliness because as soon as he turned to Yang, I could feel something cold on my shoulder. Turned out; Hendery accidentally pointed his vanilla cone a little too sideways that it hit my shoulder.
I jumped a little at the sudden coldness.

"Kunhang!!", I shrieked, getting his attention. As he turned from talking to Yang, he jumped as his eyes widened when he saw what just happened. "Woah, sorry, sorry!!", he said, slightly laughing at the peculiar situation.

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