twenty two

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I was just laying in bed, the room feels like its spinning.

After all this, am I actually having feelings with one of Ten's close friends?
How will he even react to this?
How would Kunhang feel?

Am I going to tell him?
Yeah, I have to. At some point.
We're here reunited now, and I can't hide secrets from them anymore.


Time flew faster than I thought.
I received a text from Ten.

"Ames! Our meeting is done! We're on our way back, we bought food!"

Then a few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It must be them.
"Eun Jeung-sshi! It's Kun! We're back!"

I opened the door to the boys wearing their fancy outfits.
"Wow, nice clothes!"
"Do I look fancy, noona?", Yangyang asked while twirling around.
"You look extra fancy, Yang.", I replied laughing at his playful actions.

"We have food! Let's eat!", Lucas announced.
"That's all you ever want to do, Lucas.", Ten said.
"Sorry we left you that long, Amie.", Xiaojun approached me. "No, it's all good! I had some peace and quiet in here for a while."
"That's good to know.", he smiled.

I felt a little tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Hendery with a plastic bag in his hand. "Hey Ames, I bought these spring rolls for you. I thought you might like them.", he said handing the bag to me.

"Spring rolls?! These are my favorite! How'd you know??", I excitedly boomed while smelling the delicious aroma of the still-hot rolls.

"Uh, well.. I didn't know, I just.. Thought maybe you'd like them."
"I do! Thank you!", I said, giving him a quick hug.

He hesitated at first, but soon he put his arms around me too.

He feels so warm, and so safe.
"You're welcome.", he said whispering, enough for only me to hear.

He has the gentlest voice.
I think I've fallen in oblivion, everything in absolute slow motion. Doyoon's right, I'm slowly falling for this boy and he probably has no idea.



- a few hours ago -

"Let's go get some delivery, let's eat at the dorms with Amie.", Ten-hyung said.
We were at the drive in and Xiaojun was beside me.
"Hey, I think you should get her something personally.", he whispered.
"Like what?"
"Spring rolls. I asked Ten-hyung."
"You asked him? Lucky you got away with that." "Should I really get her those?"
"I feel like she would really appreciate it, you know."


"Spring rolls?! These are my favorite! How'd you know??", Amie exclaimed, as her expression brightened.
She gave me a hug and I looked over at Xiaojun, smiling.
"Told you!", he mouthed.

She feels so small in my arms, like she somehow fits perfectly.
I don't focus on anything else when she's with me, Xiaojun's right. I think I'd have to tell her. But right now, I'm slowly falling more and more, and she has no idea.


We were all at the table together, talking about how the next week will turn out.
"We won't have other activities until the next two weeks, so why don't we all hang out? It'll strengthen our bond even more, now with Amie around.", Kun said.

"Yeah!! That's a great idea! Why don't we go somewhere fun?", Yangyang suggested.
"Like where?", Sicheng asked.

"I have an idea! How about an amusement park?", Xiaojun exclaimed, smirking at me.
I gave him a weird look.
What is he planning this time?
"You've always wanted to tell her right? Prepare something she might like and let's all have a good time! It's the perfect place.", he whispered.
"I guess so."

"Yeah! That sounds really fun! We should go!", Amie added.
Ten-hyung wasn't too fond about it though. "An amusement park?!"
"Please, Ten! Please!", she whined.
"Fine! But we're individually paying..", he pouted.
"Yay! It's a deal!"

Now I'm in for a ride.


wooo we're gonna have a fun chapter where everyone has fun in an amusement park! But what was it that Xiaojun intended for Hendery??
I kind of ran out of ideas because while writing I was extremely drained from school but I knew I had to finish this so-

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Please enjoy reading!~

saccharine • wong hendery ✔️Where stories live. Discover now