Fourty six

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I take and enter the cool apartment smelling a delicious scent escaping from the kitchen, Josh must of come home.

"Josh..?" I call out closing the door behind me as I drop the keys in the bowl and my bag besides the table.

I enter the living room and see him seated on the couch watching the football with a beer in his hands.

"Hello" I call out again and his attention diverts to the open kitchen and back to me.

There I see two meals sitting with a glass of wine by the both.

"I came home early for once in a really long time and decided to cook us some lunch." He explains.

"Sorry I was out at lunch with a frie-"

"Cameron Dallas" he finishes.

"His back in town and we decided to go eat just for old time sakes." I tell him and he nods as he listens to me stutter through my story.

"And I assume everyone attends lunch dates with there ex's."

"Josh it isn't like tha-"

"Don't make up excuses Melissa, I'm not fucking stupid!" He curses at me standing to his feet and I look down some how embarrassed.

"Your wearing perfume as well!" He laughs and I don't know if it's the over consumption of alcohol or jealousy , "You never wear perfume because your natural scent is beautiful enough!"

"I don't think you understand how much of an idiot I feel right now!" He yells as he tugs at the roots of his hair.

"Josh I'm with you aren't i?" I shout on the verge of tears nearly from the amount of mixed emotions I feel right now.

"You don't even let me touch you!" He shouts and my lip begins to quiver.

"Josh you know why I don't you need to give me more time." I feel like I'm begging him.

"I've been waiting 3 years Mel, 3 years and I hope everyday that I could at least hold you by your waist for longer than 5 minutes and sleep by your side without you shaking and crying. I wish I could punish the man who did this to you because it fucking sits on my mind and burns through me!"

I hold my hand over my mouth and I let him talk and curse words that I've hardly heard him say.

"Do you even love me or is that some bullshit you feed me ?" He asks and before I even have time to say something he throws the beer bottle past my head at the

"Josh your scaring me" I cry out as he moves his drunk arse closer and closer to me.

"What's wrong babe you suddenly don't like the bad type?" He slurs as he backs me up against a wall his hands on either side of my head.

"You let that fucking millionaire fuck boy tease you like this and touch what wasn't his." He continues as his got breath hits my neck in a rough and hair raising manner

"Josh stop.." I push my hands against his chest and he slowly backs away from me when he sees the distress in my face it keeps taking me back to that agonising 2 day nightmare.

I grab my keys and bag off the corner table and run out the door, climbing down the long stretch of stairs that spirals down, my breathing comes out in odd hitches.

I get into the car and let myself drive me to where I think I need to be.


I lift my head up from the stack of papers that lay scattered along my desk as I hear buzzing of my phone.

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