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I bet your wondering what the hell has happened over these last few years, yes it has been that long.

Everything after that one night went back to basics and not our basics, normal relationship basis.

Dates a few times a week we didn't even hang out before or after, just went to a cafe and it was perfect. The only thing I allowed him to do 'intimately' was kiss me.

It soon moved to 'house visits' as we liked to call it, he or I would go to each other's house and just hang out together it took A LOT of resistance and strong will not to tempt each other or tease as he like to call it but it was hard even for me. He left once because I was apparently to tempting to be around, all I did was squat down to open the oven and I was just wearing tracks. But I think the real reason was someone couldn't control there little friend.

Then after a very long fifteen and a half months we hit it up again things going slowly but back to normal. We agreed to be intimate together again and spend more time together.

Then it happened. We were on the cliff one night to celebrate 5 years of our relationship (more like 2 years spent together and the others apart/fighting).

He then got down on one knee and in that moment I wanted to pull him back on his feet.

"Melissa Marie Spence." He spoke slowly his Adam's apple moving as he spoke a sign of him being nervous.

(mention 1D and I'll kill you!)
"I have loved you since we were 18 and was that a hell of a time. We then proceed into our early lives together and went through round two od tragedies but now as mature adults, I think made it baby."

I laughed as I continued to listen to him feeling my eyes heavy with the building moisture.

"This isn't a marriage ring but more like a promise ring, to be never separated from you from this day forth or to be always loyal to you, always." His voice was shaky as he spoke.

I covered my mouth in shock as he pulls out a ring with a blue jewel it was stunning and a classic piece, he held in his shaky fingers, "Melissa will you do the honour of being mine forever and always."

I nodded my head eagerly. "Always."

I couldn't of asked more from him. I knew what his thoughts were on marriage and I accepted it like he tried to compromise with me and we made it work.

I later discovered that the ring he gave me was his birth mothers the only thing he got from her that Sutton had kept and the fact he gave if to me made it even more heart felt.

Everything just ended up being perfect. It was what we needed, a break while not being a part and finally taking it slow enjoying the real qualities we share.

Cameron was defiantly one of a kind. He is perfect in every single way in my eyes but has his flaws whether it be physical or psychological but, I love him. He has made mistakes but it's up to the person they hurt to make the final decision on what is best. This is what I think is best, being together with Cameron.

There was this one time when we were getting back to being more comfortable around each other.

"You look terribly beautiful in my clothes." He murmured in my ear from the position on his each, he had some how founded a way behind me on the couch my body sitting between his legs.

"I'm trying to read." I groan as he rest my head on my shoulder not giving him more access.

"I didn't buy this apartment to watch you read." He mutters kissing the side of my jaw.

Cameron had purchased a fairly large house for himself! Complaining that he shouldn't be living with his mother and doing his own thing, but the real reason which he hasn't admitted is that he was sick of me rejecting him because there were other people in the house beside us.

"No you purchased this place to not have someone yell at you to clean up or walk around naked." I roll my eyes at him and here him tsk behind me.

"Baby what have I told you about that ugly habit?" He groans tilting his head back.

"Don't roll your eyes other wise they will fall out!"


"No! Don't speak you need to be taught a lesson!" He snaps at me throwing me over his shoulder and marching up the stairs.

"Let me go!" I yell laughing my bed off as I bang on his back but it doesn't seem to phase him smirking at m.

"Time to Christen our threshold baby girl." He tells me as he cradles me in his arms and walked slowly through his door before throwing me on the bed.

He pulls off his shirt as he looks down hungrily at me before crawling over to me and holds me hands over my head.

"Now what shall we do with you sweetheart?" He mumbles against my jaw as he slowly leaves lingering kisses all along.

Cameron then presses his mouth onto mine and it's needed and rushes. I want him now and his constant rubbing against my body isn't helping none of us.

"Cameron please.." I moan breathless.

"Okay baby learn patience, jezz."

Shit I forgot to tell cameron about my birth control which I haven't taken Im months "Cameron stop for a second." I say as I push him slightly by the shoulders.

"What's wrong? If you don't want to w-"

"I'm not on the pill, so you might want to..." I trail off and he nods and looks at me as he understands what I was leading him to do.

But he doesn't instead he stares a me intensely obviously in deep though about something.

"If it happens it happens." He shrugs moving towards my lips.

Woah woah woah. What is happening!

"Hey hold up for a second!" I say as I push him back from me.

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"I mean what I said Melissa.."

"But you were always against it and now your living in the moment." I say confused.

"Is this want you want?" He questions me and I nod slowly.

"Then let it happen don't think to much about it babe, we're both in a good place in work right now and we're not getting any younger." he jokes.

So that's how that issue/department was settled and I don't really know what we have planned next regarding our children.

Cameron did ask me to move in during the process of him moving but I kept putting it off telling him little white lies as we go along but something he doesn't know is that I have considered it and am leaning towards a huge yes but I'll let time decide for when.

I think time rushed us so bad in the first chance we had that now we have taken it super slow and are enjoying what comes with it.

Cameron never changed for me instead I found he grew more to know himself better and adjusted himself to be a person who understood people better while keeping his wild side at bay.

I will never forget what has come with this relationship or the struggles and bumps it has taken me to get here but I appreciate everybody who made this journey the good and the bad.

The people I have meet and been apart of my life have influenced me for the good and I have learnt from the experience.

If I had one bit of advice it would be follow your heart because at the end of the day that's the biggest part of what makes you who you are and how you choice to enjoy the rest of your life.

For Cameron and I as of now we are perfect and I intend on it staying that way, there will be bumps along the way but compared to what we have been through nothing will ever tear us apart because after all.

Our minds are polar opposites but our hearts are the same.



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