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It's been a couple of weeks I'm over being so upset that I'm forcing myself into study and focusing purely on moving forward.

The wedding is tomorrow and I'm nervous but extremely excited. My parents are flying here as well as Mia's but thankfully they are staying at a hotel.

My phone starts to ring and it's my mother, I've spoken to her a couple times and she seems to be impressed with how well I am coping with the move.

Our call is very brief seeing as her flight is leaving and told me the flight is five hours and twenty minutes which gives me time to organise myself before I met them.

There is a loud shatter of glass that sounds and I get out of my comfy position on the bed and race out. Has something happened to Mia and the baby?

"Mia!" I call out as I race down around to the living room and see a built back facing me.

"Sorry we were just moving something's" Mia apologises as she sees my speechless less state.

His body turns around to face mine and his fave turns white like he has seen a ghost. I'm like a ghost of his past.

"Please don't be awkward like this tomorrow!" Mia begs us both as we both look anywhere but each other. Why is this so tedious?

"You think you can manage? Mel? Cameron?" She asks us and his eyes glaze into mine.

I want to run back to my room but I don't want to be a coward and we both nod together.

"Where are you talking your stuff?" I asked confused, eyeing out all the boxes.

"I've been wanting to tell you for so long but you have been you busy working. For the honeymoon were going to Brazil and when we come back were moving into our own place.." She murmurs as Dylan wraps his arm around her waist pulling her into his side she looks almost as if she is going to cry.

"I'm happy for you" I smile as I wrap my arms around her.

"Your not mad?" She asks

"No! Your getting married and are gonna have your own family! but you have to promise to never lose contact with me!" I tell her and she nods as she sheds a tear.

I pull away and see him frowning and he seems in a deep thought. Okay then..

"Shall we go?" Dylan asks him and he reluctantly nods.

"I'll see you tomorrow princess, don't stress about anything I love you and that's all that's matters okay?" He hugs her again and she nods smiling widely at him as Cameron and him leave.

I can see a change in Dylan from the beginning of this all, I don't know if it's the fact I told him he was acting like Cameron or that he needed to step up as a responsible adult which Cameron isn't either.

I return back to my room and look around I want to get him back and make him angry with jealousy so without thinking I dial Jacks number.

"Hello?" His angelic voice rings through my ears.

"Jack what are you doing tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Uhh.. Nothing why?" He replies

"Do you want to go to my friends

wedding with me?" I rush the words so I don't regret it.

"Sure" he says and I can picture the perfect smile sketched on his face.

"Great. I'll text you the details" I tell him.

"Okay have a good night Mel"

I hang up and race over to where Mia is seated on the couch.

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