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Cameron's POV

Joanne started to get more visitors so I decided to come home for a little break. Melissa left as well but I made her take a cab, the driver was sleazy but I just had to clear my head without here in it for once.

I've just needed an escape from reality because I feel so suffocated by everything that I just need something that will end my confusion.

I pull out the box that I brought with me from California and blow off the dust at the top that has been collected.

I rabble through the endless videos as see one with ' Harrison Cameron' written in black. I grab it and put it into the DVD player and set myself on my bed.

My dad appears on the screen and looks more worried than in the previous videos.

"I guess you followed my instructions and waited to watch each video separately then all at once, but enough of that I have a couple of things to talk to you about" his voice is some sort of soother to me and not hearing it for so long has sent me into another craze.

"Your a jerk you know that!" He says disappointed looking more into the camera and his eyes are weirdly connected to mine.

"You let her go when she most needed you most because you think it was necessary to go out and party with Maddy and your so called friends. Does getting high really effect your life in a way you are willing to give up everything?" He questions me and rage starts to build up in me and my knuckles start to hurt.

He takes a deep breathe before continuing again "I can't believe I'm saying this but don't go after her again and play with her emotions. It took a lot for us to get you to where you are and I refuse to watch on as you drag her down with you!"

Can he please stop telling me things I already know!

"Moving back to Harrison" he starts to calm down and a small smile creeps onto his face as he talks about his child.

"I'll always be watching Cam, but I need you to be the father he isn't going to have. Im dying and I know you hate the world but that's the circle of life, things come and go. Cameron I believe in you more than you think, Harrison is going to need a role model and I want you to be it. I need you to stop your immature behaviour and look after him, that means no drinking, no drugs and especially no smoking" he instructs and I have this urge to just cry and let all my emotions out but I can't let myself go.

"After all he is your brother."

"He isn't my brother!" I yell to the screen throwing my laptop at the TV but Christians image isn't ruined.

"Cameron you need to know something as well..." He speaks nervously and I let go of my laptop which it's screen is hanging on a thread.

"Cameron when your mother was at her breaking point I was always there for her when she needed money or a helping hand..." This time his eyes are on the floor instead of to the camera.

"As you would know there was men often coming in and out of your house and well I was one.." He trails off as he seems not to compete his sentence and my body freezes as I watch his actions closely.

"I did care for her, but it was more as a protective side."

My heart rate starts to quicken and nothing is processing.

"I helped your birth mother out in ways you could never imagine, as you know she wasn't the best role model to you kids but loved you tenderly. Her and I we w-well..."

Tears cloud my sight and I wipe them off quickly to see what he has to say.

"Cameron you are my blood"

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