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Cameron's POV

She sits on the ground vulnerable and seeing her like this is torturous as much as seeing myself cause her pain.

I slowly walk over to where she is, she has been sitting for the same position for the last three house starting into open space probably numb with pain.

"You need to eat." I murmur as I sit next to her on the frozen floor I hate hospitals but I will do anything do my princess.

"Cameron don't force me, please" she mumbles looking blankly at me.

I drop the topic just for the moment she looks in no shape to be able to chew.

"Let me take you home, they won't know anything for a while and I know your tired" I tell her and she shakes her head.

"I don't want to leave"

"Mel I promise you that I will make sure she has the best doctors and everything, money isn't an issue" I assure her and her face looks up to mine.

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

They sad fact is she is right.

"Let's go this isn't a place you should be" I restate my words again and she stands to her feet.

"I need to know what's happening" she whispers as she walks to the operating bay where Mia is.

I stand behind her as he watched Mia's body lie helplessly on the bed with doctors around her connecting her to machines and sampling blood, a sene I've seen to many times.

Melissa's shoulders start to shake as I see her hand move to cover her mouth and I make my way closer to the back of her.

"This isn't meant to happen to her" she cries and I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"This isn't how it's meant to go, were meant to be happy, she is meant to be happy with the baby and Dylan" her voice is croaky and shaky as I kiss her jaw tenderly.

I feel for her really she has gone through so much mainly things inflicted by me and she made it through it all but this one might be tougher than what any of us have imagined.

I spot Dylan talking to a doctor and make my way over to him as I watch Melissa at the corner of my eye.

"Doctor" I nod at the man and he gives me an apologetic smile I'm sure he has given to many people before.

"As I was explaining to Mr.Dallas, Mia has damage to her vertebrae and spine which is dangerous than what I have ever experienced"

"Is there any harm to the baby?" I ask him. Look at me caring for the children who I expect to have none of let me tell you.

"There is a fifty fifty chance Mr.Dallas, it is more or a waiting game for Ms. Dyaner's body to respond" he explains and I can see the impact it is inflicting to Dylan.

"Thank you doctor" he then walks away into Mia's room.

Dylan covers his face in his hands and his legs look like jello. Poor kid has seen so much and I think that is why he has rebelled so much.

"Listen to me." I grab Dylan's shirt and make him look up at me his eyes are bloodshot and I can tell his keeping it in.

"I'm freaking scared Cam. I'm scared to lose her she is the only thing that made me happy and brightened by day. When dad was paying all his attention to you in his dying days she was there for me. As much of a f!ck up you were I was worse to her and she still accepted me. I just don't get it" he cries and I do the most unexpected thing and wrap my arms around him which made him let it all out again.

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