Fourty one

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"Honey why don't you try to go outside?" Mia urges me and I shake my head.

I don't want to do anything but sit alone and watch the world around me pass by. I don't know what Cameron was thinking when he asked Mia to come all the way over here actually I don't even know what is going through his head, I'm not ready to talk to him about what happened or why it happened for.

"Mel you got to get outside its been a week!" Cameron's patience is growing thin.

"Don't even try Cameron once you have been through what I did then you can boss me around." I sit up on the couch and state him down in his sexy Armani suit that hugs tightly onto his body, fuck him for being so irresistible.

"You think your the only one who is hurting because of this, well your not." Cameron replies making me look anywhere but his eyes as they burnt through me

"I'm going to work because arguing with you is impossible. Good luck Mia." He storms over towards the door and slams it shut making a loud bang behind him.

"Nothing has really changed around here I can see.." Mia trails off.

"You can go back home now, don't you have a baby to care for?" I tell her.

"What is your problem? We are trying to help you and you're acting like a complete bitch!"

"My problem is that I'm feel like crap, do you understand how hard it is to function everyday knowing that someone has violated you and took away something." My voice shakes and I sound pathetic.

"Melissa I understand that but we're all trying here okay? Cameron is a complete mess right now this has messed him up as well, he feels like he has lost you in more ways than one."

I stay quiet because I don't know what to say about anything, my emotions are a total mess.

Mia gets up and walks towards the kitchen, "Let's drink some wine and watch movies."


It's around 6pm when Cameron comes home and my heart suddenly begins to beat faster when the knob of the door starts to turn.

He sort of ignores me the moments he walks through the door setting his papers and folders on the kitchen bench.

"Hi" I choke out pulling the blanket up against my body.

"Hi." He replies back coldly standing in front of me.

I wouldn't lie and say that I wasn't waiting on an apology, but then again he isn't like that.

"I know your waiting on an apology" he reads my mind as he tucks his hands into his tight suit pants.

"Cameron it hard for me.." I trail off not knowing how I want the words to escape my lips.

"Melissa.." He takes a seat besides me and looks me straight in the eyes, there so captivating I have no where else to look.

"I love you so fucking much that I put my life on the line for you. I know he messed you up but I'm here now okay and I'm not going to let anyone lay a fucking finger onto you because your mine and only mine." His fingers trace my check bone as he tucks away the fallen strands of hair.

I breath through his touches and hope that Cameron's touch would make me feel better but the haunting memory of Mark invading me overpowers.

I reach of his face and pull it down to mine, he seems taken back for a bit but moves his lips in sync with mine as he tries to deepen the kiss, he pushes me back so I'm pressed down my his weight.

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