Fourty two

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Three years later , Melissa.

Twenty one and standing in the kitchen of my tiny apparent as I sip on my hazelnut infused coffee that I love so dearly. The radio is playing in the background with a song that is getting to me in an odd way. My mind floats of to think about my final days of college to I graduate and the present I still have to pick out for Savannah. I then think out the book that I'm reading and I desperately need to finish before summer starts again plus the trips I've planned and making my relationship spring into existence again. I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my surroundings, I don't feel like I'm in the comfort of my own place or skin I just want a place to call home but a real home like my mothers would be painful.
I used to have comfort in a certain number in my phone with ears that listened to me and arms that moulded to me that could never fit anyone else.
That was when I didn't feel trapped or foreign to myself and I didn't have to put on a different personality.
Then I realise that no longer a teen who knew nothing but lust and her emotions puzzled but professional heartbreaker and the person you were is a stranger to you know.

My coffee is done and the song over and so I just stand leaving against the bench as I stare out the window into the overlapping apartments.

"Good morning darling" he kisses me on the check from behind as he reaches for the fresh pot.

"Morning." I reply back putting on a smile and taking a sip of my empty cup.

"How did you sleep last night? You were screaming a lot." He frowns.

I shrug my shoulders not really wanting to be on the subject of this topic I hated talking about things that my body goes under that I can't control.

"Mel you can't keep ignoring the situation you need to see a doctor or therapist about this!" He stresses placing both his arms on my shoulders and I shrug them off.

"I need you go to school before I'm late." I tell him.

"I'll be leaving for work soon anyway, what would you like for dinner Chinese take away?" He asks me.

"Yeah that would be good get it on your way back please." I answer giving him a peck on the lips and walk towards the door.

"What time is your graduation again?" He calls out as I swing my bag over my shoulder.

"Wednesday at 12" I tell him closing the door behind me as I try to get through the tight space.

I have to take the stairs to reach the entry of the building which is a pain every morning, afternoon and night. There are children always playing with there tattered toys and the paint on the staircase peels away.

You could say I don't have the best living arrangements or area to be in but I love my place I feel a sense of ownership of it, well half at least.

My car isn't great either its a brown old car that I picked up at a dodgy dealer but it gets me to where I need.

Graduation is in 2 days and I'm so excited to finally get into the work force and not have to worry about getting my degree done. I just need to pull through these next day with ease.


After my classes for the day have finish I make my way to one of the parks that are around the corner, it's my safe haven a place where I can read and enjoy my surroundings so I pick up my book and read.


The annoying ringing of my phone blasts through the whole house and wakes me up. I try to move my head but it kills from all the hard liquor I consumed, I hate hangovers.

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